using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; public class UnitSelectionComponent : MonoBehaviour { bool isSelecting = false; Vector3 mousePosition1; public GameObject selectionCirclePrefab; void Update() { // If we press the left mouse button, begin selection and remember the location of the mouse if( Input.GetMouseButtonDown( 0 ) ) { isSelecting = true; mousePosition1 = Input.mousePosition; foreach( var selectableObject in FindObjectsOfType<SelectableUnitComponent>() ) { if( selectableObject.selectionCircle != null ) { Destroy( selectableObject.selectionCircle.gameObject ); selectableObject.selectionCircle = null; } } } // If we let go of the left mouse button, end selection if( Input.GetMouseButtonUp( 0 ) ) { var selectedObjects = new List<SelectableUnitComponent>(); foreach( var selectableObject in FindObjectsOfType<SelectableUnitComponent>() ) { if( IsWithinSelectionBounds( selectableObject.gameObject ) ) { selectedObjects.Add( selectableObject ); } } var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine( string.Format( "Selecting [{0}] Units", selectedObjects.Count ) ); foreach( var selectedObject in selectedObjects ) sb.AppendLine( "-> " + ); Debug.Log( sb.ToString() ); isSelecting = false; } // Highlight all objects within the selection box if( isSelecting ) { var shader1 = Shader.Find("Outlined/Silhouetted Bumped Diffuse"); var shader2 = Shader.Find("Standard"); foreach ( var selectableObject in FindObjectsOfType<SelectableUnitComponent>() ) { if( IsWithinSelectionBounds( selectableObject.gameObject ) ) { if( selectableObject.selectionCircle == null ) { selectableObject.selectionCircle = Instantiate( selectionCirclePrefab ); selectableObject.selectionCircle.transform.SetParent( selectableObject.transform, false ); selectableObject.selectionCircle.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3( 90, 0, 0 ); selectableObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.shader = shader1; } } else { if( selectableObject.selectionCircle != null ) { Destroy( selectableObject.selectionCircle.gameObject ); selectableObject.selectionCircle = null; selectableObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.shader = shader2; } } } } } public bool IsWithinSelectionBounds( GameObject gameObject ) { if( !isSelecting ) return false; var camera = Camera.main; var viewportBounds = Utils.GetViewportBounds( camera, mousePosition1, Input.mousePosition ); return viewportBounds.Contains( camera.WorldToViewportPoint( gameObject.transform.position ) ); } void OnGUI() { if( isSelecting ) { // Create a rect from both mouse positions var rect = Utils.GetScreenRect( mousePosition1, Input.mousePosition ); Utils.DrawScreenRect( rect, new Color( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.95f, 0.25f ) ); Utils.DrawScreenRectBorder( rect, 2, new Color( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.95f ) ); } } }