using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SimpleFileBrowser { public class FileBrowser : MonoBehaviour, IListViewAdapter { public enum Permission { Denied = 0, Granted = 1, ShouldAsk = 2 }; #region Structs #pragma warning disable 0649 [Serializable] private struct FiletypeIcon { public string extension; public Sprite icon; } [Serializable] private struct QuickLink { #if UNITY_EDITOR || ( !UNITY_WSA && !UNITY_WSA_10_0 ) public Environment.SpecialFolder target; #endif public string name; public Sprite icon; } #pragma warning restore 0649 #endregion #region Inner Classes public class Filter { public readonly string name; public readonly HashSet extensions; public readonly string defaultExtension; internal Filter( string name ) { = name; extensions = null; defaultExtension = null; } public Filter( string name, string extension ) { = name; extension = extension.ToLowerInvariant(); extensions = new HashSet() { extension }; defaultExtension = extension; } public Filter( string name, params string[] extensions ) { = name; for( int i = 0; i < extensions.Length; i++ ) extensions[i] = extensions[i].ToLowerInvariant(); this.extensions = new HashSet( extensions ); defaultExtension = extensions[0]; } public override string ToString() { string result = ""; if( name != null ) result += name; if( extensions != null ) { if( name != null ) result += " ("; int index = 0; foreach( string extension in extensions ) { if( index++ > 0 ) result += ", " + extension; else result += extension; } if( name != null ) result += ")"; } return result; } } #endregion #region Constants private const string ALL_FILES_FILTER_TEXT = "All Files (.*)"; private const string FOLDERS_FILTER_TEXT = "Folders"; private string DEFAULT_PATH; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID private const string SAF_PICK_FOLDER_QUICK_LINK_TEXT = "Pick Folder"; private const string SAF_PICK_FOLDER_QUICK_LINK_PATH = "SAF_PICK_FOLDER"; #endif #endregion #region Static Variables public static bool IsOpen { get; private set; } public static bool Success { get; private set; } public static string Result { get; private set; } private static bool m_askPermissions = true; public static bool AskPermissions { get { return m_askPermissions; } set { m_askPermissions = value; } } private static bool m_singleClickMode = false; public static bool SingleClickMode { get { return m_singleClickMode; } set { m_singleClickMode = value; } } private static FileBrowser m_instance = null; private static FileBrowser Instance { get { if( m_instance == null ) { m_instance = Instantiate( Resources.Load( "SimpleFileBrowserCanvas" ) ).GetComponent(); DontDestroyOnLoad( m_instance.gameObject ); m_instance.gameObject.SetActive( false ); } return m_instance; } } #endregion #region Variables #pragma warning disable 0649 [Header( "References" )] [SerializeField] private FileBrowserMovement window; private RectTransform windowTR; [SerializeField] private FileBrowserItem itemPrefab; [SerializeField] private FileBrowserQuickLink quickLinkPrefab; [SerializeField] private Text titleText; [SerializeField] private Button backButton; [SerializeField] private Button forwardButton; [SerializeField] private Button upButton; [SerializeField] private InputField pathInputField; [SerializeField] private InputField searchInputField; [SerializeField] private RectTransform quickLinksContainer; [SerializeField] private RectTransform filesContainer; [SerializeField] private ScrollRect filesScrollRect; [SerializeField] private RecycledListView listView; [SerializeField] private InputField filenameInputField; [SerializeField] private Image filenameImage; [SerializeField] private Dropdown filtersDropdown; [SerializeField] private RectTransform filtersDropdownContainer; [SerializeField] private Text filterItemTemplate; [SerializeField] private Toggle showHiddenFilesToggle; [SerializeField] private Text submitButtonText; [Header( "Icons" )] [SerializeField] private Sprite folderIcon; [SerializeField] private Sprite driveIcon; [SerializeField] private Sprite defaultIcon; [SerializeField] private FiletypeIcon[] filetypeIcons; private Dictionary filetypeToIcon; [Header( "Other" )] public Color normalFileColor = Color.white; public Color hoveredFileColor = new Color32( 225, 225, 255, 255 ); public Color selectedFileColor = new Color32( 0, 175, 255, 255 ); public Color wrongFilenameColor = new Color32( 255, 100, 100, 255 ); public int minWidth = 380; public int minHeight = 300; [SerializeField] private string[] excludeExtensions; #pragma warning disable 0414 [SerializeField] private QuickLink[] quickLinks; private static bool quickLinksInitialized; #pragma warning restore 0414 private readonly HashSet excludedExtensionsSet = new HashSet(); private readonly HashSet addedQuickLinksSet = new HashSet(); [SerializeField] private bool generateQuickLinksForDrives = true; #pragma warning restore 0649 private RectTransform rectTransform; private FileAttributes ignoredFileAttributes = FileAttributes.System; private FileSystemEntry[] allFileEntries; private readonly List validFileEntries = new List(); private readonly List filters = new List(); private Filter allFilesFilter; private bool showAllFilesFilter = true; private int currentPathIndex = -1; private readonly List pathsFollowed = new List(); private bool canvasDimensionsChanged; // Required in RefreshFiles() function private UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData nullPointerEventData; #endregion #region Properties private string m_currentPath = string.Empty; private string CurrentPath { get { return m_currentPath; } set { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( !FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) #endif if( value != null ) value = GetPathWithoutTrailingDirectorySeparator( value.Trim() ); if( value == null ) return; if( m_currentPath != value ) { if( !FileBrowserHelpers.DirectoryExists( value ) ) return; m_currentPath = value; pathInputField.text = m_currentPath; if( currentPathIndex == -1 || pathsFollowed[currentPathIndex] != m_currentPath ) { currentPathIndex++; if( currentPathIndex < pathsFollowed.Count ) { pathsFollowed[currentPathIndex] = value; for( int i = pathsFollowed.Count - 1; i >= currentPathIndex + 1; i-- ) pathsFollowed.RemoveAt( i ); } else pathsFollowed.Add( m_currentPath ); } backButton.interactable = currentPathIndex > 0; forwardButton.interactable = currentPathIndex < pathsFollowed.Count - 1; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( !FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) #endif upButton.interactable = Directory.GetParent( m_currentPath ) != null; m_searchString = string.Empty; searchInputField.text = m_searchString; filesScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 1; filenameImage.color = Color.white; if( m_folderSelectMode ) filenameInputField.text = string.Empty; } RefreshFiles( true ); } } private string m_searchString = string.Empty; private string SearchString { get { return m_searchString; } set { if( m_searchString != value ) { m_searchString = value; searchInputField.text = m_searchString; RefreshFiles( false ); } } } private int m_selectedFilePosition = -1; public int SelectedFilePosition { get { return m_selectedFilePosition; } } private FileBrowserItem m_selectedFile; private FileBrowserItem SelectedFile { get { return m_selectedFile; } set { if( value == null ) { if( m_selectedFile != null ) m_selectedFile.Deselect(); m_selectedFilePosition = -1; m_selectedFile = null; } else if( m_selectedFilePosition != value.Position ) { if( m_selectedFile != null ) m_selectedFile.Deselect(); m_selectedFile = value; m_selectedFilePosition = value.Position; if( m_folderSelectMode || !m_selectedFile.IsDirectory ) filenameInputField.text = m_selectedFile.Name; m_selectedFile.Select(); } } } private bool m_acceptNonExistingFilename = false; private bool AcceptNonExistingFilename { get { return m_acceptNonExistingFilename; } set { m_acceptNonExistingFilename = value; } } private bool m_folderSelectMode = false; private bool FolderSelectMode { get { return m_folderSelectMode; } set { if( m_folderSelectMode != value ) { m_folderSelectMode = value; if( m_folderSelectMode ) { filtersDropdown.options[0].text = FOLDERS_FILTER_TEXT; filtersDropdown.value = 0; filtersDropdown.RefreshShownValue(); filtersDropdown.interactable = false; } else { filtersDropdown.options[0].text = filters[0].ToString(); filtersDropdown.interactable = true; } Text placeholder = filenameInputField.placeholder as Text; if( placeholder != null ) placeholder.text = m_folderSelectMode ? "" : "Filename"; } } } private string Title { get { return titleText.text; } set { titleText.text = value; } } private string SubmitButtonText { get { return submitButtonText.text; } set { submitButtonText.text = value; } } #endregion #region Delegates public delegate void OnSuccess( string path ); public delegate void OnCancel(); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID public delegate void DirectoryPickCallback( string rawUri, string name ); #endif private OnSuccess onSuccess; private OnCancel onCancel; #endregion #region Messages private void Awake() { m_instance = this; rectTransform = (RectTransform) transform; windowTR = (RectTransform) window.transform; ItemHeight = ( (RectTransform) itemPrefab.transform ).sizeDelta.y; nullPointerEventData = new UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData( null ); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && ( UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_10_0 ) DEFAULT_PATH = Application.persistentDataPath; #else DEFAULT_PATH = Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments ); #endif #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) { // These UI elements have no use in Storage Access Framework mode (Android 10+) upButton.gameObject.SetActive( false ); pathInputField.gameObject.SetActive( false ); showHiddenFilesToggle.gameObject.SetActive( false ); } #endif InitializeFiletypeIcons(); filetypeIcons = null; SetExcludedExtensions( excludeExtensions ); excludeExtensions = null; backButton.interactable = false; forwardButton.interactable = false; upButton.interactable = false; filenameInputField.onValidateInput += OnValidateFilenameInput; allFilesFilter = new Filter( ALL_FILES_FILTER_TEXT ); filters.Add( allFilesFilter ); window.Initialize( this ); listView.SetAdapter( this ); } private void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() { canvasDimensionsChanged = true; } private void LateUpdate() { if( canvasDimensionsChanged ) { canvasDimensionsChanged = false; EnsureWindowIsWithinBounds(); } } private void OnApplicationFocus( bool focus ) { if( focus ) RefreshFiles( true ); } #endregion #region Interface Methods public OnItemClickedHandler OnItemClicked { get { return null; } set { } } public int Count { get { return validFileEntries.Count; } } public float ItemHeight { get; private set; } public ListItem CreateItem() { FileBrowserItem item = (FileBrowserItem) Instantiate( itemPrefab, filesContainer, false ); item.SetFileBrowser( this ); return item; } public void SetItemContent( ListItem item ) { FileBrowserItem file = (FileBrowserItem) item; FileSystemEntry fileInfo = validFileEntries[item.Position]; bool isDirectory = fileInfo.IsDirectory; Sprite icon; if( isDirectory ) icon = folderIcon; else if( !filetypeToIcon.TryGetValue( fileInfo.Extension.ToLowerInvariant(), out icon ) ) icon = defaultIcon; file.SetFile( icon, fileInfo.Name, isDirectory ); file.SetHidden( ( fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden ) == FileAttributes.Hidden ); if( item.Position == m_selectedFilePosition ) { m_selectedFile = file; file.Select(); } else file.Deselect(); } #endregion #region Initialization Functions private void InitializeFiletypeIcons() { filetypeToIcon = new Dictionary(); for( int i = 0; i < filetypeIcons.Length; i++ ) { FiletypeIcon thisIcon = filetypeIcons[i]; filetypeToIcon[thisIcon.extension] = thisIcon.icon; } } private void InitializeQuickLinks() { Vector2 anchoredPos = new Vector2( 0f, -quickLinksContainer.sizeDelta.y ); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( !FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) { #endif if( generateQuickLinksForDrives ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID string drivesList = FileBrowserHelpers.AJC.CallStatic( "GetExternalDrives" ); if( drivesList != null && drivesList.Length > 0 ) { bool defaultPathInitialized = false; int driveIndex = 1; string[] drives = drivesList.Split( ':' ); for( int i = 0; i < drives.Length; i++ ) { try { //string driveName = new DirectoryInfo( drives[i] ).Name; //if( driveName.Length <= 1 ) //{ // try // { // driveName = Directory.GetParent( drives[i] ).Name + "/" + driveName; // } // catch // { // driveName = "Drive " + driveIndex++; // } //} string driveName; if( !defaultPathInitialized ) { DEFAULT_PATH = drives[i]; defaultPathInitialized = true; driveName = "Primary Drive"; } else { if( driveIndex == 1 ) driveName = "External Drive"; else driveName = "External Drive " + driveIndex; driveIndex++; } AddQuickLink( driveIcon, driveName, drives[i], ref anchoredPos ); } catch { } } } #elif !UNITY_EDITOR && ( UNITY_IOS || UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_10_0 ) AddQuickLink( driveIcon, "Files", Application.persistentDataPath, ref anchoredPos ); #else string[] drives = Directory.GetLogicalDrives(); for( int i = 0; i < drives.Length; i++ ) AddQuickLink( driveIcon, drives[i], drives[i], ref anchoredPos ); #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR || ( !UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_WSA && !UNITY_WSA_10_0 ) for( int i = 0; i < quickLinks.Length; i++ ) { QuickLink quickLink = quickLinks[i]; string quickLinkPath = Environment.GetFolderPath( ); AddQuickLink( quickLink.icon,, quickLinkPath, ref anchoredPos ); } quickLinks = null; #endif #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID } else { AddQuickLink( driveIcon, SAF_PICK_FOLDER_QUICK_LINK_TEXT, SAF_PICK_FOLDER_QUICK_LINK_PATH, ref anchoredPos ); try { FetchPersistedSAFQuickLinks( ref anchoredPos ); } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); } } #endif quickLinksContainer.sizeDelta = new Vector2( 0f, -anchoredPos.y ); } #endregion #region Button Events public void OnBackButtonPressed() { if( currentPathIndex > 0 ) CurrentPath = pathsFollowed[--currentPathIndex]; } public void OnForwardButtonPressed() { if( currentPathIndex < pathsFollowed.Count - 1 ) CurrentPath = pathsFollowed[++currentPathIndex]; } public void OnUpButtonPressed() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) return; #endif DirectoryInfo parentPath = Directory.GetParent( m_currentPath ); if( parentPath != null ) CurrentPath = parentPath.FullName; } public void OnSubmitButtonClicked() { string path = m_currentPath; string filenameInput = filenameInputField.text.Trim(); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) { if( filenameInput.Length == 0 ) { if( m_folderSelectMode ) OnOperationSuccessful( path ); else filenameImage.color = wrongFilenameColor; return; } for( int i = 0; i < validFileEntries.Count; i++ ) { FileSystemEntry fileInfo = validFileEntries[i]; if( fileInfo.Name == filenameInput ) { if( fileInfo.IsDirectory == m_folderSelectMode ) OnOperationSuccessful( fileInfo.Path ); else if( fileInfo.IsDirectory ) CurrentPath = fileInfo.Path; else filenameImage.color = wrongFilenameColor; return; } } if( m_acceptNonExistingFilename ) { if( !m_folderSelectMode && filters[filtersDropdown.value].defaultExtension != null ) filenameInput = Path.ChangeExtension( filenameInput, filters[filtersDropdown.value].defaultExtension ); if( m_folderSelectMode ) OnOperationSuccessful( FileBrowserHelpers.CreateFolderInDirectory( path, filenameInput ) ); else OnOperationSuccessful( FileBrowserHelpers.CreateFileInDirectory( path, filenameInput ) ); } else filenameImage.color = wrongFilenameColor; return; } #endif if( filenameInput.Length > 0 ) path = Path.Combine( path, filenameInput ); if( File.Exists( path ) ) { if( !m_folderSelectMode ) OnOperationSuccessful( path ); else filenameImage.color = wrongFilenameColor; } else if( Directory.Exists( path ) ) { if( m_folderSelectMode ) OnOperationSuccessful( path ); else { if( m_currentPath == path ) filenameImage.color = wrongFilenameColor; else CurrentPath = path; } } else { if( m_acceptNonExistingFilename ) { if( !m_folderSelectMode && filters[filtersDropdown.value].defaultExtension != null ) path = Path.ChangeExtension( path, filters[filtersDropdown.value].defaultExtension ); OnOperationSuccessful( path ); } else filenameImage.color = wrongFilenameColor; } } public void OnCancelButtonClicked() { OnOperationCanceled( true ); } #endregion #region Other Events private void OnOperationSuccessful( string path ) { Success = true; Result = path; Hide(); OnSuccess _onSuccess = onSuccess; onSuccess = null; onCancel = null; if( _onSuccess != null ) _onSuccess( path ); } private void OnOperationCanceled( bool invokeCancelCallback ) { Success = false; Result = null; Hide(); OnCancel _onCancel = onCancel; onSuccess = null; onCancel = null; if( invokeCancelCallback && _onCancel != null ) _onCancel(); } public void OnPathChanged( string newPath ) { CurrentPath = newPath; } public void OnSearchStringChanged( string newSearchString ) { SearchString = newSearchString; } public void OnFilterChanged() { RefreshFiles( false ); } public void OnShowHiddenFilesToggleChanged() { RefreshFiles( false ); } public void OnQuickLinkSelected( FileBrowserQuickLink quickLink ) { if( quickLink != null ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( quickLink.TargetPath == SAF_PICK_FOLDER_QUICK_LINK_PATH ) FileBrowserHelpers.AJC.CallStatic( "PickSAFFolder", FileBrowserHelpers.Context, new FBDirectoryReceiveCallbackAndroid( OnSAFDirectoryPicked ) ); else #endif CurrentPath = quickLink.TargetPath; } } public void OnItemSelected( FileBrowserItem item ) { SelectedFile = item; } public void OnItemOpened( FileBrowserItem item ) { if( item.IsDirectory ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) { for( int i = 0; i < validFileEntries.Count; i++ ) { FileSystemEntry fileInfo = validFileEntries[i]; if( fileInfo.IsDirectory && fileInfo.Name == item.Name ) { CurrentPath = fileInfo.Path; return; } } } else #endif CurrentPath = Path.Combine( m_currentPath, item.Name ); } else OnSubmitButtonClicked(); } #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID private void OnSAFDirectoryPicked( string rawUri, string name ) { if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( rawUri ) ) { Vector2 anchoredPos = new Vector2( 0f, -quickLinksContainer.sizeDelta.y ); if( AddQuickLink( folderIcon, name, rawUri, ref anchoredPos ) ) { quickLinksContainer.sizeDelta = new Vector2( 0f, -anchoredPos.y ); CurrentPath = rawUri; } } } private void FetchPersistedSAFQuickLinks( ref Vector2 anchoredPos ) { string resultRaw = FileBrowserHelpers.AJC.CallStatic( "FetchSAFQuickLinks", FileBrowserHelpers.Context ); if( resultRaw == "0" ) return; int separatorIndex = resultRaw.LastIndexOf( "<>" ); if( separatorIndex <= 0 ) { Debug.LogError( "Entry count does not exist" ); return; } int entryCount = 0; for( int i = separatorIndex + 2; i < resultRaw.Length; i++ ) { char ch = resultRaw[i]; if( ch < '0' && ch > '9' ) { Debug.LogError( "Couldn't parse entry count" ); return; } entryCount = entryCount * 10 + ( ch - '0' ); } if( entryCount <= 0 ) return; bool defaultPathInitialized = false; separatorIndex = 0; for( int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++ ) { int nextSeparatorIndex = resultRaw.IndexOf( "<>", separatorIndex ); if( nextSeparatorIndex <= 0 ) { Debug.LogError( "Entry name is empty" ); return; } string entryName = resultRaw.Substring( separatorIndex, nextSeparatorIndex - separatorIndex ); separatorIndex = nextSeparatorIndex + 2; nextSeparatorIndex = resultRaw.IndexOf( "<>", separatorIndex ); if( nextSeparatorIndex <= 0 ) { Debug.LogError( "Entry rawUri is empty" ); return; } string rawUri = resultRaw.Substring( separatorIndex, nextSeparatorIndex - separatorIndex ); separatorIndex = nextSeparatorIndex + 2; if( AddQuickLink( folderIcon, entryName, rawUri, ref anchoredPos ) && !defaultPathInitialized ) { DEFAULT_PATH = rawUri; defaultPathInitialized = true; } } } #endif public char OnValidateFilenameInput( string text, int charIndex, char addedChar ) { if( addedChar == '\n' ) { OnSubmitButtonClicked(); return '\0'; } return addedChar; } #endregion #region Helper Functions public void Show( string initialPath ) { if( AskPermissions ) RequestPermission(); if( !quickLinksInitialized ) { quickLinksInitialized = true; InitializeQuickLinks(); } SelectedFile = null; m_searchString = string.Empty; searchInputField.text = m_searchString; filesScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 1; filenameInputField.text = string.Empty; filenameImage.color = Color.white; IsOpen = true; Success = false; Result = null; gameObject.SetActive( true ); CurrentPath = GetInitialPath( initialPath ); } public void Hide() { IsOpen = false; currentPathIndex = -1; pathsFollowed.Clear(); backButton.interactable = false; forwardButton.interactable = false; upButton.interactable = false; gameObject.SetActive( false ); } public void RefreshFiles( bool pathChanged ) { if( pathChanged ) { if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_currentPath ) ) allFileEntries = FileBrowserHelpers.GetEntriesInDirectory( m_currentPath ); else allFileEntries = null; } SelectedFile = null; if( !showHiddenFilesToggle.isOn ) ignoredFileAttributes |= FileAttributes.Hidden; else ignoredFileAttributes &= ~FileAttributes.Hidden; string searchStringLowercase = m_searchString.ToLower(); validFileEntries.Clear(); if( allFileEntries != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < allFileEntries.Length; i++ ) { try { FileSystemEntry item = allFileEntries[i]; if( !item.IsDirectory ) { if( m_folderSelectMode ) continue; if( ( item.Attributes & ignoredFileAttributes ) != 0 ) continue; string extension = item.Extension.ToLowerInvariant(); if( excludedExtensionsSet.Contains( extension ) ) continue; HashSet extensions = filters[filtersDropdown.value].extensions; if( extensions != null && !extensions.Contains( extension ) ) continue; } else { if( ( item.Attributes & ignoredFileAttributes ) != 0 ) continue; } if( m_searchString.Length == 0 || item.Name.ToLower().Contains( searchStringLowercase ) ) validFileEntries.Add( item ); } catch( Exception e ) { Debug.LogException( e ); } } } listView.UpdateList(); // Prevent the case where all the content stays offscreen after changing the search string filesScrollRect.OnScroll( nullPointerEventData ); } private bool AddQuickLink( Sprite icon, string name, string path, ref Vector2 anchoredPos ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( path ) ) return false; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( !FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) #endif if( !Directory.Exists( path ) ) return false; // Don't add quick link if it already exists if( addedQuickLinksSet.Contains( path ) ) return false; FileBrowserQuickLink quickLink = (FileBrowserQuickLink) Instantiate( quickLinkPrefab, quickLinksContainer, false ); quickLink.SetFileBrowser( this ); if( icon != null ) quickLink.SetQuickLink( icon, name, path ); else quickLink.SetQuickLink( folderIcon, name, path ); quickLink.TransformComponent.anchoredPosition = anchoredPos; anchoredPos.y -= ItemHeight; addedQuickLinksSet.Add( path ); return true; } public void EnsureWindowIsWithinBounds() { Vector2 canvasSize = rectTransform.sizeDelta; Vector2 windowSize = windowTR.sizeDelta; if( windowSize.x > canvasSize.x ) windowSize.x = canvasSize.x; if( windowSize.y > canvasSize.y ) windowSize.y = canvasSize.y; Vector2 windowPos = windowTR.anchoredPosition; Vector2 canvasHalfSize = canvasSize * 0.5f; Vector2 windowHalfSize = windowSize * 0.5f; Vector2 windowBottomLeft = windowPos - windowHalfSize + canvasHalfSize; Vector2 windowTopRight = windowPos + windowHalfSize + canvasHalfSize; if( windowBottomLeft.x < 0f ) windowPos.x -= windowBottomLeft.x; else if( windowTopRight.x > canvasSize.x ) windowPos.x -= windowTopRight.x - canvasSize.x; if( windowBottomLeft.y < 0f ) windowPos.y -= windowBottomLeft.y; else if( windowTopRight.y > canvasSize.y ) windowPos.y -= windowTopRight.y - canvasSize.y; windowTR.anchoredPosition = windowPos; windowTR.sizeDelta = windowSize; } private string GetPathWithoutTrailingDirectorySeparator( string path ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( path ) ) return null; // Credit: try { if( Path.GetDirectoryName( path ) != null ) { char lastChar = path[path.Length - 1]; if( lastChar == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar || lastChar == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar ) path = path.Substring( 0, path.Length - 1 ); } } catch { return null; } return path; } // Credit: private int CalculateLengthOfDropdownText( string str ) { int totalLength = 0; Font myFont = filterItemTemplate.font; CharacterInfo characterInfo = new CharacterInfo(); myFont.RequestCharactersInTexture( str, filterItemTemplate.fontSize, filterItemTemplate.fontStyle ); for( int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++ ) { if( !myFont.GetCharacterInfo( str[i], out characterInfo, filterItemTemplate.fontSize ) ) totalLength += 5; totalLength += characterInfo.advance; } return totalLength; } private string GetInitialPath( string initialPath ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( initialPath ) || !Directory.Exists( initialPath ) ) { if( CurrentPath.Length == 0 ) initialPath = DEFAULT_PATH; else initialPath = CurrentPath; } m_currentPath = string.Empty; // Needed to correctly reset the pathsFollowed return initialPath; } #endregion #region File Browser Functions (static) public static bool ShowSaveDialog( OnSuccess onSuccess, OnCancel onCancel, bool folderMode = false, string initialPath = null, string title = "Save", string saveButtonText = "Save" ) { if( Instance.gameObject.activeSelf ) { Debug.LogError( "Error: Multiple dialogs are not allowed!" ); return false; } Instance.onSuccess = onSuccess; Instance.onCancel = onCancel; Instance.FolderSelectMode = folderMode; Instance.Title = title; Instance.SubmitButtonText = saveButtonText; Instance.AcceptNonExistingFilename = !folderMode; Instance.Show( initialPath ); return true; } public static bool ShowLoadDialog( OnSuccess onSuccess, OnCancel onCancel, bool folderMode = false, string initialPath = null, string title = "Load", string loadButtonText = "Select" ) { if( Instance.gameObject.activeSelf ) { Debug.LogError( "Error: Multiple dialogs are not allowed!" ); return false; } Instance.onSuccess = onSuccess; Instance.onCancel = onCancel; Instance.FolderSelectMode = folderMode; Instance.Title = title; Instance.SubmitButtonText = loadButtonText; Instance.AcceptNonExistingFilename = false; Instance.Show( initialPath ); return true; } public static void HideDialog( bool invokeCancelCallback = false ) { Instance.OnOperationCanceled( invokeCancelCallback ); } public static IEnumerator WaitForSaveDialog( bool folderMode = false, string initialPath = null, string title = "Save", string saveButtonText = "Save" ) { if( !ShowSaveDialog( null, null, folderMode, initialPath, title, saveButtonText ) ) yield break; while( Instance.gameObject.activeSelf ) yield return null; } public static IEnumerator WaitForLoadDialog( bool folderMode = false, string initialPath = null, string title = "Load", string loadButtonText = "Select" ) { if( !ShowLoadDialog( null, null, folderMode, initialPath, title, loadButtonText ) ) yield break; while( Instance.gameObject.activeSelf ) yield return null; } public static bool AddQuickLink( string name, string path, Sprite icon = null ) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if( FileBrowserHelpers.ShouldUseSAF ) return false; #endif if( !quickLinksInitialized ) { quickLinksInitialized = true; // Fetching the list of external drives is only possible with the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission granted on Android if( AskPermissions ) RequestPermission(); Instance.InitializeQuickLinks(); } Vector2 anchoredPos = new Vector2( 0f, -Instance.quickLinksContainer.sizeDelta.y ); if( Instance.AddQuickLink( icon, name, path, ref anchoredPos ) ) { Instance.quickLinksContainer.sizeDelta = new Vector2( 0f, -anchoredPos.y ); return true; } return false; } public static void SetExcludedExtensions( params string[] excludedExtensions ) { Instance.excludedExtensionsSet.Clear(); if( excludedExtensions != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < excludedExtensions.Length; i++ ) Instance.excludedExtensionsSet.Add( excludedExtensions[i].ToLowerInvariant() ); } } public static void SetFilters( bool showAllFilesFilter, IEnumerable filters ) { SetFiltersPreProcessing( showAllFilesFilter ); if( filters != null ) { foreach( string filter in filters ) { if( filter != null && filter.Length > 0 ) Instance.filters.Add( new Filter( null, filter ) ); } } SetFiltersPostProcessing(); } public static void SetFilters( bool showAllFilesFilter, params string[] filters ) { SetFiltersPreProcessing( showAllFilesFilter ); if( filters != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++ ) { if( filters[i] != null && filters[i].Length > 0 ) Instance.filters.Add( new Filter( null, filters[i] ) ); } } SetFiltersPostProcessing(); } public static void SetFilters( bool showAllFilesFilter, IEnumerable filters ) { SetFiltersPreProcessing( showAllFilesFilter ); if( filters != null ) { foreach( Filter filter in filters ) { if( filter != null && filter.defaultExtension.Length > 0 ) Instance.filters.Add( filter ); } } SetFiltersPostProcessing(); } public static void SetFilters( bool showAllFilesFilter, params Filter[] filters ) { SetFiltersPreProcessing( showAllFilesFilter ); if( filters != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++ ) { if( filters[i] != null && filters[i].defaultExtension.Length > 0 ) Instance.filters.Add( filters[i] ); } } SetFiltersPostProcessing(); } private static void SetFiltersPreProcessing( bool showAllFilesFilter ) { Instance.showAllFilesFilter = showAllFilesFilter; Instance.filters.Clear(); if( showAllFilesFilter ) Instance.filters.Add( Instance.allFilesFilter ); } private static void SetFiltersPostProcessing() { List filters = Instance.filters; if( filters.Count == 0 ) filters.Add( Instance.allFilesFilter ); int maxFilterStrLength = 100; List dropdownValues = new List( filters.Count ); for( int i = 0; i < filters.Count; i++ ) { string filterStr = filters[i].ToString(); dropdownValues.Add( filterStr ); maxFilterStrLength = Mathf.Max( maxFilterStrLength, Instance.CalculateLengthOfDropdownText( filterStr ) ); } Vector2 size = Instance.filtersDropdownContainer.sizeDelta; size.x = maxFilterStrLength + 28; Instance.filtersDropdownContainer.sizeDelta = size; Instance.filtersDropdown.ClearOptions(); Instance.filtersDropdown.AddOptions( dropdownValues ); Instance.filtersDropdown.value = 0; } public static bool SetDefaultFilter( string defaultFilter ) { if( defaultFilter == null ) { if( Instance.showAllFilesFilter ) { Instance.filtersDropdown.value = 0; Instance.filtersDropdown.RefreshShownValue(); return true; } return false; } defaultFilter = defaultFilter.ToLowerInvariant(); for( int i = 0; i < Instance.filters.Count; i++ ) { HashSet extensions = Instance.filters[i].extensions; if( extensions != null && extensions.Contains( defaultFilter ) ) { Instance.filtersDropdown.value = i; Instance.filtersDropdown.RefreshShownValue(); return true; } } return false; } public static Permission CheckPermission() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID Permission result = (Permission) FileBrowserHelpers.AJC.CallStatic( "CheckPermission", FileBrowserHelpers.Context ); if( result == Permission.Denied && (Permission) PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "FileBrowserPermission", (int) Permission.ShouldAsk ) == Permission.ShouldAsk ) result = Permission.ShouldAsk; return result; #else return Permission.Granted; #endif } public static Permission RequestPermission() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID object threadLock = new object(); lock( threadLock ) { FBPermissionCallbackAndroid nativeCallback = new FBPermissionCallbackAndroid( threadLock ); FileBrowserHelpers.AJC.CallStatic( "RequestPermission", FileBrowserHelpers.Context, nativeCallback, PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "FileBrowserPermission", (int) Permission.ShouldAsk ) ); if( nativeCallback.Result == -1 ) System.Threading.Monitor.Wait( threadLock ); if( (Permission) nativeCallback.Result != Permission.ShouldAsk && PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "FileBrowserPermission", -1 ) != nativeCallback.Result ) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt( "FileBrowserPermission", nativeCallback.Result ); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } return (Permission) nativeCallback.Result; } #else return Permission.Granted; #endif } #endregion } }