$var: ${$var}
"; } //if ($pnum != '11' )// && $pnum != '38' // WriteLog("request 2 server.php",$varstr); include 'problems.php'; $num = intval($pnum); switch ($num) { case 1: Login($num, $id, $did , $tagid); break; case 2: CheckIn($num, $id); break; // case 3: requestccordinates position case 4: try { TaskList($num, $id, $verbose); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } break; case 5: ; break; case 6: try { TaskConfirm($num, $id, $tid, $confirm_data, $verbose); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } break; case 7: TaskStatusChange($num, $id, $tid); break; case 8: DeviceIsAuthorized($num, $did); break; case 9: DeviceAdd($num, $did); break; case 10: GetOnline($num, $id); break; case 11: Ping($num, $id); break; case 12: ObjPlace($num, $id, $pos, $scale); break; case 13: RequestObj($num, $id); break; //14 SendCMDName //15 SendJobnames case 16: TextNote($num, $taskid, $text, $cpid); break; case 17: //in server_post //ImageNote($num, $taskid, $img); break; case 18: TaskBegin($num, $tid, $echo, $testing); break; case 19: //in server_post //AudioNote($num, $taskid, $audio); break; case 20: ARObjectRecognized($num, $tid, $sid); break; case 21: try { TasksCancel($accid, $maintask, $cause); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } break; case 22: Quit($accid, $fromsite, $tagid); break; //TOERASE case 23: AcceptProblem($type, $comment); break; case 24: CheckProblem(); break; case 25: ResolveProblemStart($id); break; case 26: EndProblem($id); break; case 27: ProblemsQuit($type); break; case 28: LoginChief($login, $p); break; case 29: CheckList($num, $tid); break; case 30: LoginPassword($num, $login, $p, $did, $ver, $app, $tagid); break; case 31: CheckPointAccept($id, $value); break; case 32: saveBeaconData($num, $location_id, $acc_id, $beacon_id, $rssi, $localtime, $pwr); break; case 33: WriteLog($accid, $text); break; case 34: Token($accid, $token); break; case 35: CheckUpdates($num, $ver, $app); break; case 36: OverPlan($num, $accid); break; case 37: GetMarkers($num, $locid); break; case 38: SendCoordinate($num, $pointx, $pointy, $timeStamp, $accId, $locationId, $zoneId); break; case 39: getTaskTypes($num); break; case 40: getStatus($num); break; case 41: getCheckPointTypes($num); break; case 42: getLocoSeries($num); break; case 43: getUserCompany($num,$id); break; case 44: getUserFaceFeature($num,$id); break; case 45: getCameraInfo($num, $id); break; case 46: getObjectInfo($num, $id); break; case 60: Measurement($num, $taskid, $position, $verbose); break; } function MeasurementHardwareCheck($user, $workid, $taskid, $verbose=0) { require_once "curlexec.php"; $params['user_id'] = $user; $params['work_id'] = $workid; $url = "http://qaplatform.digitaldepot.ru:8085/Thingworx/Things/2050UserLibraryExp/Services/check_hw_measurements_ready"; $result = CURLrequestPOST($url, ["AppKey: 33cd23bb-3b03-4638-afef-7104a13e9211"], $params); // $result = $taskAnswer; $json = json_decode($result); if ($verbose) var_dump($result); WriteLog("check_hw_measurements_ready input ".json_encode($params), $result); if ($json->result == true) { \app\models\MappingapiModel::updateMeasurements($taskid); return true; } return false; } function Measurement($num, $taskid, $position = 0, $verbose = 0) { //создать задание на аппаратные замеры global $link; $taskAnswer = '{ "result": true, "data": { "hw_measurements_status": "waiting", "measuring_devices": [ "Доктор - 060RLC" ], "task_id": "428f8962-bf47-ce93-6394-d1865c36f4a8" } }'; $work_id = 0; $user_id = 0; $stage = 0; $str = "select work_id, worker, measurement_stage, smopp_task_id from asusg_measurements where smopp_task_id=$taskid limit 1"; $result_pos = mysqli_query($link, $str); while ($obj = mysqli_fetch_object($result_pos)) { if (!$work_id) $work_id = $obj->work_id; if (!$user_id) $user_id = json_decode($obj->worker)->id; if (!$stage) $stage = $obj->measurement_stage; } /** * @var $task Task */ $task = Task::Find($taskid); if ($task) { $user_id = $task->account->uuid; $currentStatus = $task->status; if ($currentStatus == 6) { $task_hw = $task->asusg_task_hw_measurement_id; if ($task_hw) { $buf = ""; $check = MeasurementHardwareCheck($user_id, $work_id, $taskid); if ($check) { $buf .= pack("C", 3); //measurements completed $task->status = 7; $task->Save(); } else { $buf .= pack("C", 2); //measurements not completed } $data = ConstructVariablePacket($num, $buf); echo base64_encode($data); } } else { require_once "curlexec.php"; $params['user_id'] = $user_id; $params['work_id'] = $work_id; $params['section_position_number'] = $position; $params['measurement_stage'] = $stage; $url = "http://qaplatform.digitaldepot.ru:8085/Thingworx/Things/2050UserLibraryExp/Services/task_for_hw_measurements"; $result = CURLrequestPOST($url, ["AppKey: 33cd23bb-3b03-4638-afef-7104a13e9211"], $params); // $result = $taskAnswer; $json = json_decode($result); WriteLog("task_for_hw_measurements input " . json_encode($params), $result); $buf = ""; //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint if ($json->result == true) { $name = $json->data->measuring_devices[0]; $task_hw_id = $json->data->task_id; if ($task_hw_id) { $task = Task::Find($taskid); if ($task) { $task->status = 6; $task->asusg_task_hw_measurement_id = $task_hw_id; $task->Save(); } } $buf .= pack("C", 1); $buf .= pack("v", strlen($name)); $buf .= $name; if ($verbose) { echo " dev: $name stage $stage pos $position user_id $user_id
"; } } else { $buf .= pack("C", 0); } $data = ConstructVariablePacket($num, $buf); if ($verbose) { $ans = unpack('C', $data, 3); echo "answer:
"; var_dump($ans); } echo base64_encode($data); } } } function ARObjectRecognized($num, $tid, $sid) { //get scenario id from sid //get object_id from scenario //update task object recognized with object_id global $link; //$str = "update tasks t JOIN ar_scenarios ars on ars.id=$sid set t.ar_object_id=ars.object_id where t.id = $tid"; $str = "update tasks t JOIN ar_stages ars on ars.scenario_id=$sid and ars.priority = (SELECT MAX(priority) from ar_stages where scenario_id=$sid) set t.ar_object_id=ars.object_id where t.id = $tid"; if (mysqli_query($link, $str)) echo 1; else echo 0; } function getStatus($num) { global $link; $str = "SELECT id, name, color FROM task_status_names"; $retarr = array(); $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $retarr[] = $res; } echo json_encode($retarr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } function getCheckPointTypes($num) { global $link; $str = "SELECT id, name, class FROM checkpoint_types"; $retarr = array(); $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $retarr[] = $res; } //var_dump($retarr); echo json_encode($retarr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } function getLocoSeries($num) { global $link; $str = "SELECT id, name FROM locomotive_series"; $retarr = array(); $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $retarr[] = $res; } //var_dump($retarr); echo json_encode($retarr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } function getTaskTypes($num) { global $link; $str = "SELECT id, name, description, confirmtype, time_to_complete_minutes FROM tasktypes WHERE main_task <> 1"; $retarr = array(); $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $retarr[] = $res; } echo json_encode($retarr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } function SendCoordinate($num, $pointx, $pointy, $timeStamp, $accId, $locationId, $zoneId) { global $link; $timeStamp = urldecode($timeStamp); $newpointx = str_replace(',', '.', $pointx); $newpointy = str_replace(',', '.', $pointy); $str = "INSERT INTO user_positions (COORD_X, COORD_Y, TS, ACC_ID, LOCATION_ID, ZONE_ID) VALUES ($newpointx, $newpointy, '$timeStamp', $accId, $locationId, $zoneId)"; // echo $str; if (mysqli_query($link, $str)) echo base64_encode(pack("CC",$num, 1)); else echo base64_encode(pack("CC",$num, 0)); } function GetMarkers($num, $locid) { global $link; $str = "SELECT UUID, X, Y FROM BEACONS WHERE LOCATION_ID=$locid"; $retarr = array(); $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $retarr[] = $res; } //var_dump($retarr); echo json_encode($retarr); } function OverPlan($num, $accid) { $account = Account::Find($accid); if ($account != null) { if ($account->overplan_mode == 1) $account->overplan_mode = 0; else $account->overplan_mode = 1; } Account::ClearTasksFromAccount($accid, false); $account->Save(); $buf = pack("CC*",$num, $account->overplan_mode); echo base64_encode($buf); // MessageToClient("OverPlan!!!1", 2, 1); } function CheckUpdates($packetnum, $ver, $app) { if (isset($ver) && isset($app)) { $appdata = GetAppData($ver, $app); if ($appdata) { $path = $appdata['app_update_path']; $ver = $appdata['app_update_filename']; $md5 = $appdata['md5']; $answer = 1; $buf = pack("C*", $answer); //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint $buf .= pack("v*", strlen($path)); $buf .= $path; $buf .= pack("v*", strlen($ver)); $buf .= $ver; $buf .= pack("v*", strlen($md5)); $buf .= $md5; } else { $answer = 0; $buf=pack("C", $answer); } $c = ConstructVariablePacket($packetnum, $buf); echo base64_encode($c); } } function Token($accid, $token) { if (!$token) return; global $link; $str = "update accounts set android_token_id = '$token' where id=$accid"; mysqli_query($link, $str); } function saveBeaconData($num, $location_id, $acc_id, $beacon_id, $rssi, $localtime, $pwr) { global $link; $localtime = urldecode($localtime); //$pwr = urldecode($pwr); $str = "INSERT INTO beacons_scan_data (location_id, acc_id, beacon_id, rssi, local_time, servertime, pwr) VALUES ($location_id, $acc_id, $beacon_id, $rssi, '$localtime', NOW(), '$pwr')"; mysqli_query($link, $str); // if (mysqli_query($link, $str)) // echo '1'; // else // echo '0'; //echo "$str"; } function CheckPointAccept($id, $value, $test=false) { $cp = CheckPoint::CreateFromID($id); $cp->SetValue($value); $task = Task::Find($cp->parentTaskId); WriteLog("$id CheckPointAccept $cp->id $cp->typeId ", $cp->parentTaskId); \app\models\entity\Metrics::log(1, 31, 'taskId = ' . ($task->id ?? 0)); if (isset($task)) { $acc = $task->account; $uuid = ""; if (isset($acc)) $uuid = $acc->uuid; $measurement = IsMeasurement($task->id); if ($measurement) { if ($cp->value || $cp->state) $cp->WriteValueToMeasurement($measurement, $cp->value, $uuid); } if (isset($acc)) { $task->account->last_action = new \DateTime("now"); $task->account->Save(); } } // $cp->AddRemark(); } function Construct2BytePacket($num, $byte) { $buf = pack("CC*", $num, $byte); //заголовок - номер пакета 1б и длина 2б. v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint return $buf; } function ConstructVariablePacket($num, $vardatabytes) { $buf = pack("C*", $num); //заголовок - номер пакета 1б и длина 2б. v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint $len = strlen($vardatabytes)+3; $buf .= pack("v*", $len); $buf .= $vardatabytes; return $buf; } function Quit($accid, $fromsite = false, $tagid) { global $link; /** * @var $account Account */ $account = Account::Find($accid); if ($account != null) { $last = new \DateTime("-11minutes"); $account->setLastSeenMobile($last); // $account->android_token_id = ''; $account->quit_set = 1; $account->Save(); OCSlogoff($accid); if ($tagid) VagrantRequest($accid, $tagid, $account->name, 2); if ($fromsite) EnqueueCMD($accid, "22"); } } //from client function TasksCancel($accid, $maintask, $cause) { $mappingapiModel = new \app\models\MappingapiModel(); $res = $mappingapiModel->setPause($accid, $maintask); Account::ClearTasksFromAccount($accid, false, $maintask); $buf = pack("C", 21); if ($cause) { //TWX work close // вот список // Причина1 Отсутствие ТМЦ // Причина2 Отсутствие оборудования // Причина3 Отсутствие инструмента // Причина4 Не мое задание (не моя квалификация) // Причина5 Прочее } echo base64_encode($buf); } function TaskControlMapCheck($tid, $echo=0) { if ($echo) echo "TaskControlMapCheck!"; global $link; $checked = 1; $cps = CheckPoint::FindAllByTask($tid); if (sizeof($cps) > 0) { foreach ($cps as $cp) { if ($cp->parentCheckpointId == 0) { if (0 == $cp->state || null == $cp->state) { $checked = 0; break; } } } } return $checked; } function FindTMCId($tmcType) { //найти первый свободный ТМЦ нужного типа global $link; // var_dump($tmcType); $query = mysqli_query($link, "select id from tmc where employee=0 and tmc_type = $tmcType"); if ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { // var_dump($res); return $res['id']; } return 0; } function TaskBegin($num, $tid, $echo, $testing=false) { global $link; $task = Task::Find($tid); //$exec = \app\models\MappingworksModel::workToExecute($tid); //if (!$exec) { // $test = true; //} // if ($echo) // echo "TaskBegin $num $tid task id: $task->id status $task->status
"; $exec = \app\models\MappingworksModel::workToExecuteBegin($tid); if ($task != null && intval($task->status) == 2){ $tasktype = Tasktype::Find($task->type); $objtype = $tasktype->object_type; // if ($echo) { // echo "task not null"; // } $tmcId = FindTMCId($objtype); // if ($echo) { // echo "objtype $objtype tasktype tmcId " . $tmcId; // } $proj = $task->project; $canBegin = true; // WriteLog("test request tmcId $tmcId ", isset($proj)); if (intval($tmcId) > 0 && isset($proj)) { // if ($echo) // echo "$tmcId objtype $objtype"; //// // $locotype = $proj->getLocoType(); // $loconumber = $proj->loco_number; $sid = 0; $section = $task->getSection(); // if ($section) // $sid = $section->id; // WriteLog("test request task $task->id ", $sid); if ($section) { // if ($echo) // echo "section ! $section->id"; require_once("curlexec.php"); // $reqstring = "http://oiltest.prmsys.net/api/handler/sessionstart?device=$tmcId§ion_id=$section->id&loco_type=$locotype&loco_number=$loconumber"; // $reqstring = "http://oiltest.prmsys.net/api/handler/sessionstart?deviceId=$tmcId§ion_id=$section->id"; $reqstring = "http://oiltest.prmsys.net/api/session/start?deviceId=$tmcId§ionId=$section->id"; $result = CURLrequestGET($reqstring,["uuid-key: 07a13c8907d1-6a7bdba1-a2fz-aatgu4j"]); // WriteLog("test request", $reqstring); if ($result == 'false') $canBegin = false; } } if (!$testing) { if ($canBegin) { \app\models\ElasticLog::command((int)$tid, 'Принятие к исполнению'); OCStaskstatus($tid, 3, $task->assignees_arr); mysqli_query($link, "update tasks set status = 3, accepted_time = NOW() where id=" . $tid); mysqli_query($link, "update tasks set object_id=$tmcId, status = 3 where id=$task->parent_id"); if ($proj != null) { if (!$proj->started) mysqli_query($link, "update projects_locotech set status = 3, started= now() where id=" . $proj->id); else mysqli_query($link, "update projects_locotech set status = 3 where id=" . $proj->id); } $buf = pack("Cll", $num, $tmcId, $tid); echo base64_encode($buf); } else { $buf = pack("Cll", $num, 0, 0); echo base64_encode($buf); } } } } function RequestObj($num, $id) { //echo "RequestObj ".$id; global $link; $query = mysqli_query($link, "select * from object_field where id=".$id); if ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { //$buf = $res['position'].'|'.$res['scale']; //echo $res['position']." ".$res['scale']; $buf = pack("C", 13); $buf .= $res['position']." ".$res['scale']; echo base64_encode($buf); //echo "RequestObj ".$id; } } function TextNote($num, $taskid, $text, $cpid) { $task = Task::Find($taskid); $answer = 1; $tasknote = new Tasknote(); if ($task == null) $answer = 2; else { if (isset($task->account)) { $task->account->last_action = new \DateTime("now"); $task->account->Save(); } $tasknote->date = new DateTime('now'); $tasknote->text = $text; $tasknote->task = $task; if ($cpid) $tasknote->checkpoint_id = $cpid; // else // { // $result = $task->AddRemark($text); // $json = json_decode($result); // if ($json != null) { // $tasknote->remark_id = $json->RemarkId; // $tasknote->code1c = $json->Kod; // $tasknote->guid = $json->Guid; // $tasknote->twx_result = $result; // $answer = 4; // } // } $tasknote->Save(); } $c = Construct2BytePacket($num, $answer); echo base64_encode($c); } function ObjPlace($num, $id, $pos, $scale) { //echo "ObjPlace"; global $link; mysqli_query($link, "update object_field set position = '".$pos."', scale='".$scale."' where id=".$id); $buf = pack("C", 12); //$buf .= $res['position']." ".$res['scale']; echo base64_encode($buf); //echo "updated id ".$id." coords ".$pos." scale ".$scale; } function GetOnline($num, $accid) { global $link; //date(strtotime($date." -3 minutes")); //echo $time. ' last seen '.$date1.' now '.date('d.m.Y H:i',time()); GetOnlineAccountList(true); } function Command($accid) { $cmdarr = DequeueCMD($accid); //пока достаем по одной команде $ret = false; foreach ($cmdarr as $cmd) { if ($cmd == '21') { $buf = pack("C", 21); $ret = true; } if ($cmd == '22') { SendPush($accid, "Logout by server!", ""); $buf = pack("C", 22); $ret = true; } if ($cmd == '36_1') { //SendPush($accid, "Overplan!", ""); $buf = pack("CC*",36, 1); $ret = true; } if ($cmd == '36_0') { //SendPush($accid, "Overplan!", ""); $buf = pack("CC*",36, 0); $ret = true; } } echo base64_encode($buf); return $ret; } function MessageToClient($text, $code, $fromId) { $buf = pack("Clv", $code, $fromId, strlen($text)); $buf .= pack($text); $data = ConstructVariablePacket(61, $buf); echo base64_encode($data); } function Ping($num, $accid) { if ($accid > 0) { global $link, $companyID; $buf = pack("C", 11); $acc = Account::Find($accid); $quit = $acc->quit_set; if ($quit) { mysqli_query($link, "update accounts set quit_set=0, last_seen_mobile = NOW() where id =" . $accid); $res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT MAX(date_entry) as date FROM auth_log where account_id =" . $accid); mysqli_query($link, "update auth_log set date_finish_task = NOW() where account_id =" . $accid ." and date_entry = '". mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)['date']."'" ); $tagid = GetVagrantTagID($accid); if ($tagid) { VagrantRequest($accid, $tagid, $acc->name, 1); } } else mysqli_query($link, "update accounts set last_seen_mobile = NOW() where id =" . $accid); \app\models\entity\UserActivity::ping($accid); // TasksAssign('', true, 0, false, $accid); if (!Command($accid)) echo base64_encode($buf); } } function DeviceAdd($num, $did) { global $link; $buf = pack("CC*", 9, 1); mysqli_query($link, "INSERT into devices (id, date) values ('".$did."', NOW())"); echo base64_encode($buf); // echo "DeviceAdd".$did; } function TaskStatusChange($num, $id, $tid) { } function TaskStatusChangeSend($status, $tid) { $buf = pack("C", 7); $buf .= pack("Cl*", $status, $tid); echo base64_encode($buf); } function DeviceIsAuthorized($num, $did) { global $link; $answer = 0; $buf = pack("C", $num); $query = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT name FROM devices where id= '".$did."'"); if ($res = mysqli_fetch_row($query)) { $answer = 1; } $buf .= pack("C", $answer); echo base64_encode($buf); } function LoggedIn($myid) { return true; } function GetDayPlanned($accid) { global $link; $str = "SELECT t.id, t.type, t.input_id, tt.letter, pr.loco_number from tasks as t join projects_locotech as pr on t.input_id=pr.id join tasktypes as tt on t.type = tt.id join asusg_dayplan as ad on tt.letter = ad.letter where assignees_arr=$accid and ad.day = cast((now() - interval 0 day) as date) and t.priority=0 and ad.loco_num=pr.loco_number order by ad.priority asc limit 1"; $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); if ($res1 = mysqli_fetch_object($query)) { return Task::Find($res1->id); } } //todo Убрать $control! function TaskList($numpacket, $account_id, $verbose=false) { global $link, $companyID; global $entityManager; // $tasks = array(); mysqli_query($link, "update accounts set last_seen_mobile=NOW() where id=".$account_id); mysqli_query($link, "insert into tmp_lastseenmobile (user_id, last_seen_mobile) values ($account_id, NOW())"); $account = Account::Find($account_id); if (!$account) { if ($verbose) { echo "no account $account_id"; } return; } $company = $account->getCompany(); $companyID = $company->id; // TasksAssign('', true, 0, $verbose, $account_id); $buf=""; $projid = 0; $loco_num = 0; $series = ""; /** * @var $account Account */ //$t = $account->getAcceptedTasks()->first(); $planned_id = GetDayPlanned($account_id); if (!$planned_id) { if ($verbose) echo "
"; $t = $account->getFirstActiveTaskMain(); } else $t = $planned_id; if (!$t) { if ($verbose) echo "
"; $t = $account->getActiveTasks()->first(); } if ($t) { if ($verbose) { echo "
Task fisrt found:
"; \Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($t); } /** * @var $pr Project */ $pr = $t->project; if ($pr) { if ($verbose) echo('project found ' . $pr->id); $tasks = $pr->getPrimaryTasks($account_id, $planned_id); if ($verbose) { echo('pr ' . $pr->id); echo('tasks1 size ' . sizeof($tasks)); } } } if (!$tasks) { // $tasks = $account->getActiveTasks(); if ($verbose) echo ('!tasks '.sizeof($tasks)); } //foreach ($account->getActiveTasks() as $task) { foreach ($tasks as $task) { $taskid = $task->id; $asu = ASUSG($task->asusg_job_mapped_id); // if ($verbose) { // var_dump($asu); // } $outfit = 0; $time_limit = 0; if ($asu) { $time_limit = $asu[0]['time_limit']; $outfit = $asu[0]['outfit']; } $status = GetTaskStatus($taskid); $status = $task->status; if ($status != '2' && $status != '3' && $status != '6' && $status != '7') { if ($verbose) { var_dump($task->id); } continue; } $type = $task->type; $priority = $task->priority; if ($verbose) { echo "
$taskid $priority ".$task->project->id." $task->status
"; } $namedesc = GetTaskNameAndDesc($type); $tt = GrabTasktype($type); $timer = $tt['time_to_complete_minutes']; $record_video = $tt['record_video']; $objectType = $tt['object_type']; $letter = $tt['letter']; if (!$letter) $letter = " "; $name = $namedesc[0]; if ($task->name) { $name = $task->name; } $text = $task->text; $scenario_id = $tt['scenario_id']; if ( 'Мэппинг.' == $text ) { $text = explode(':', $task->text)[1]; } if (!isset ($name) || $name == null || $name == '') $name = "Empty Task!"; if (!isset ($text) || $text == null || $text == '') { $text = $tt['description']; } if (!isset ($text) || $text == null || $text == '') $text = "Empty Text"; $confirmtype = getConfirmTypebyTask($taskid); $lenname = strlen($name); $lentext = strlen($text); if ($projid == 0) { /** * @var $proj Project */ /** * @var $section Section */ $proj = $task->project; $projid = $proj->id; $series = $proj->loco_type; $loco_num = $proj->loco_number; if ($verbose) { echo "series1 $series"; echo "loconum $proj->loco_number"; echo "loco_type $proj->loco_type"; } $buf .= pack("ll",$projid, $loco_num); $buf .= pack("v",strlen($series)); $buf .= $series; $buf .= $letter; } $buf .= pack("clcclvvl", $status, $priority, $confirmtype, $timer, $taskid, $lenname, $lentext, $type); //заголовок - номер пакета 1б и длина 2б. v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint $buf .= $name; $buf .= $text; $control = ""; //$lencontrol = strlen($control); //$buf .= pack("v*",$lencontrol); $buf .= pack("v",$company->GetConfirmTimeout()); $buf .= pack("C",$record_video); $buf .= pack("l",$objectType); if ($scenario_id) $buf .= pack("C", 1); else $buf .= pack("C",0); $buf .= pack("l",$outfit); $buf .= pack("l",$time_limit); $buf .= pack("l",$task->object_id); $buf .= pack ("l", $task->parent_id); // $buf .= $control; } $c = ConstructVariablePacket($numpacket, $buf); echo base64_encode($c); \app\models\entity\UserActivity::ping($account_id); } function CheckList($numpacket, $task_id) { //$buf = pack("C", $numpacket); $buf = ''; $checkpoints = CheckPoint::Find("all", $task_id); //echo "checkpoints taks $task_id ".sizeof($checkpoints); foreach ($checkpoints as $checkpoint) { $buf .= $checkpoint->PackToBinary(); $buf .= $checkpoint->PackChildrenToBinary(); } $c = ConstructVariablePacket($numpacket, $buf); echo base64_encode($c); } function CheckIn($num, $accountId) { global $link; $query = mysqli_query($link, "select text, name from documents where id=1"); $buf="";//pack("c*",$num); $add = ""; $fail = pack("c",0); if ($res1 = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $text = $res1['text']; if (strlen($text) > 0) { $did = getCurrentDeviceId($accountId); $sess = getActiveSession($accountId); if ($did != $sess["device_id"] && $sess["end"] != NULL) { $add .= $fail; } else { $sid = $sess["id"]; mysqli_query($link, "update sessions set checkin_start = NOW() where account_id=".$accountId." and id=".$sid); $add .= $text; } } } $buf .= $add; $c = ConstructVariablePacket($num, $buf); echo base64_encode($c); } function Login($packetNum, $id, $did, $tagid) { global $link; $answer = 0; $name = ""; $cmdlevel = 0; if (isset($id) && isset($did)) { $query = mysqli_query($link, "select * from accounts where id=" . $id); if ($res1 = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $name = $res1['name']; $cmdlevel = intval($res1['cmdlevel']); if ($cmdlevel > 0) { //Login OK! //echo $name." id ".$id."act ".$cmdlevel." did ".$did; $answer = 1; mysqli_query($link, "update accounts set quit_set = 0, overplan_mode=0 where id=$id"); mysqli_query($link, "insert into sessions (account_id, start, device_id) values ($id, NOW(), '$did')"); } } } if ($answer == 1) { if ($tagid) VagrantRequest($id, $tagid, $name, 1); $buf = pack("ClC*", $answer, $id, $cmdlevel); //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint $buf .= $name; OCSlogin($id); } else { $buf = pack("C*", $answer); } $c = ConstructVariablePacket($packetNum, $buf); echo base64_encode($c); } function getUserCompany($pnum,$id) { global $link; $id = (int)$id; $result = [0 => '']; $str = "SELECT company FROM `accounts_internal` WHERE `id`=". $id; $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); $result = mysqli_fetch_row($query); $buf = pack("Cl", $pnum, $result[0]); echo base64_encode($buf); } function getUserFaceFeature($pnum,$id) { global $link; $id = (int)$id; $res = 0; $str = "SELECT `id_account`,`face_feature`,`date` FROM `face_feature` WHERE `id_account`=". $id ." ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1"; $query = mysqli_query($link, $str); $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); if ( isset($result['face_feature']) and null != $result['face_feature']) { $res = 1; } $buf = pack("CC",$pnum,$res); //var_dump($pnum,'Пользователь '.$id.', ответ из базы = '.$res); echo base64_encode($buf); } function getObjectInfo($num, $id) { $length_empty = 7; $tmc = \app\models\entity\Tmc::findOne(['id' => $id]); //title if (!$tmc) { $buf = pack("Cvl", $num, $length_empty, $id); } else { $buf = pack("lll", $id, $tmc->inventory_num, $tmc->storage); $len = sizeof($tmc->desc); $buf .= pack("v", $len); $buf .= $tmc->desc; $buf = ConstructVariablePacket($num, $buf); } echo base64_encode($buf); } function getCameraInfo($num, $userId) { $tmc = \app\models\entity\Tmc::findOne(['employee' => $userId]); $length_empty = 3; $length_full = 13; if (!$tmc) { $buf = pack("Cv", $num, $length_empty); } else { $buf = pack("Cv", $num, $length_full); //pack ip into 4 bytes array foreach (explode('.', $tmc->ip) as $item) { $buf .= pack('C', $item); } //pack mac into 4 bytes array foreach (explode(':', $tmc->mac) as $item) { $buf .= pack('C', hexdec($item)); } } echo base64_encode($buf); } function packWithSpaces(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $data[$key] = pack("A*", $item); } $space = pack("A1", ' '); return implode($space, $data); }