require_once "functions.php";
function LoginChief($login, $p)
global $link;
if (isset($login) && isset($p))
$query = mysqli_query($link, "select * from accounts where login='$login' and password='$p'");
if ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
$cmdlevel = intval($res['cmdlevel']);
$buf=pack("CCC",28, 1, $cmdlevel); //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint
echo base64_encode($buf);
$buf=pack("CCC",28, 0, 0); //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint
echo base64_encode($buf);
function LoginPassword($packetnum, $login, $p, $did, $ver, $app, $tagid)
// формат пакета теперь такой:
//string str = "pnum=30&login=" + login + "&p=" + md5hash+ "&did=" + deviceID + "&app=" + Application.identifier + "&ver=" + Application.version;
// в общем, я от тебя в логинрезалте должен получить три переменные
//"", "smopp_v0.2.123.apk", "69c73d15fe46eb7f08939fc4f23ea2b2"
global $link;
if (isset($login) && isset($p))
$query = mysqli_query($link, "select * from accounts where login='$login' and password='$p'");
if ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
$allowed = 1;//GetAppData($ver, $app);
if ($allowed) {
$cmdlevel = intval($res['cmdlevel']);
$accountID = $res['id'];
$name = $res['name'];
$answer = 1;
mysqli_query($link, "update accounts set quit_set = 0, overplan_mode=0 where id=$accountID");
mysqli_query($link, "insert into sessions (account_id, start, device_id) values ($accountID, NOW(), '$did')");
$buf = pack("CClv", $answer, $cmdlevel, $accountID, strlen($name)); //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint
$buf .= $name;
* @var $acc Account
$acc = Account::Find($accountID);
if ($acc)
$jobtypeName = $acc->getJobtypes()[0]->name;
$buf .= pack("v", strlen($jobtypeName));
$buf .= $jobtypeName;
if ($tagid)
VagrantRequest($accountID, $tagid, $name, 1);
else {
$answer = 0;
$buf=pack("C", $answer);
$answer = 0;
$buf=pack("C", $answer); //заголовок - v-ushort, c- byte, C- ubyte, s - short, L - int, l - uint
$c = ConstructVariablePacket($packetnum, $buf);
echo base64_encode($c);
function GetAppData($ver, $app)
global $link;
$version_allowed = 0;
$query = mysqli_query($link, "select * from app_versions where app_version='$ver' and app_name='$app'");
if ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
$version_allowed = intval($res['version_allowed']);
if ($version_allowed == 0)
$query2 = mysqli_query($link, "select * from app_versions where version_allowed=1 ORDER BY id DESC limit 1");
if ($res2 = mysqli_fetch_array($query2)) {
return $res2;
return false;
function ProblemsQuit($type)
// global $link;
// mysqli_query($link,"update problems set time_end=NOW() where id=$id");
function EndProblem($id)
global $link;
mysqli_query($link,"update problems set time_end=NOW() where id=$id");
function FindProblem($id)
global $link;
$str = "select * from problems where id=$id";
$query = mysqli_query($link, $str);
if ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query))
return $res;
function FindProblemsToReport()
global $link;
$str = "select * from problems where in_report IS NULL ORDER BY id ASC";
$query = mysqli_query($link, $str);
$reporttext = "";
$htmlText = "";
$counter = 0;
while ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query))
$id = $res['id'];
$typeid = $res['type'];
$type = GetProblemName($typeid);
$comment = $res['comment'];
$resolved = $res['time_end'];
$time_create = date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($res['time_create']));
$time_accept = date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($res['time_accept']));
if (strlen($resolved) == 0)
$resolved = "нет";
$resolved = date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($resolved));
$addtext = "$id: $type [$comment], ";
$addtext .= "Создана: $time_create, ";
$addtext .= "Принята: $time_accept, ";
$addtext .= "Решена: $resolved";
$reporttext .= $addtext."\n";
$htmlText .= $addtext."
$counter = "Всего было проблем: $counter";
$reporttext .= $counter."\n";
$htmlText .= $counter."
AddToReport($reporttext, $htmlText);
mysqli_query($link, "update problems set in_report = 1 where in_report IS NULL and time_end IS NOT NULL");
function GetProblemName($type)
$probDict = array();
$probDict['1'] = "Оборудование";
$probDict['2'] = "ТМЦ";
$probDict['3'] = "Приемщик РЖД";
$probDict['4'] = "Маневры";
$probDict['5'] = "Координация";
$probDict['6'] = "Нет персонала";
return $probDict[$type];
function AddToReport($text, $htmlText)
$date = date("d-m-Y--H-i");
$reportfilename = "report-".$date.".txt";
$file = fopen("problem_reports/$reportfilename", "w");
fwrite($file, $text);
$report = "problem_reports/$reportfilename";
$reportname = $reportfilename;
SendMail($report, $reportname, $htmlText);
function ResolveProblemStart($id)
global $link;
mysqli_query($link, "update problems set time_accept=NOW() where id=$id");
// $problem = FindProblem($id);
// $typeid = $problem['type'];
// $type = GetProblemName($typeid);
// AddToReport();
function AcceptProblem($type, $comment)
global $link;
$str = "INSERT into problems (time_create, type, comment) values (NOW(), $type, '$comment')";
mysqli_query($link, $str);
function CheckProblem2()
// $buf = pack("C*", 24); //1
$buf ='';
global $link;
$str = "select * from problems where time_end IS NULL";
$query = mysqli_query($link, $str);
if ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query))
$type = intval($res['type']);
$comment = $res['comment'];
$id = intval($res['id']);
$buf .= pack("l*", $id); //4
$buf .= pack("v*", $type); //2
if ($comment != '')
$buf .= $comment;
mysqli_query($link,"update problems set sent=NOW() where id=".$id);
echo base64_encode(ConstructVariablePacket(24, $buf));
//echo base64_encode($buf);
function CheckProblem()
$problemsQueue = "";
global $link;
$query = mysqli_query($link, "select * from problems where time_end IS NULL");
while ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($query))
//$buf = pack("C*", 24); //1
$buf = '';
$comment = $res['comment'];
$id = intval($res['id']);
$buf .= pack("l*", $id); //4
$buf .= pack("v*", intval($res['type'])); //2
if ($comment != '')
$buf .= $comment;
mysqli_query($link,"update problems set sent=NOW() where id=".$id);
$problemsQueue .= ConstructVariablePacket(24, $buf);
echo base64_encode($problemsQueue);