6000)) {
// last request was more than 30 minutes ago
session_unset(); // unset $_SESSION variable for the run-time
session_destroy(); // destroy session data in storage
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // update last activity time stamp
$add = 'Login Area';
foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $var) {
${$var} = $_REQUEST[$var];
//if ($name == "Admin12") {
// echo "$var: ${$var}
if ($act == "exit")
if ($_SESSION['cmdlevel'])
$cmdlevel = $_SESSION['cmdlevel'];
if ($_SESSION['hostid'])
$agent_id = $_SESSION['hostid'];
if ($_SESSION['add'])
$add = $_SESSION['add'];
if ($_SESSION['id'])
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($_SESSION['login'])
$login = $_SESSION['login'];
if ($_SESSION['name'])
$name = $_SESSION['name'];
foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $var) {
${$var} = $_SESSION[$var];
//if ($name == "Admin12") {
//echo "from session: $var: ${$var}
include 'functions.php';
include 'auth.php';
$logged_me_in_successfully234 = 0;
$incl = '';
if (!$_SESSION['pass'] && !$_SESSION['login'])
$table = 'accounts';
$result=mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, login, name, cmdlevel FROM $table WHERE login='".$login."' AND password='".md5($pass)."'");
$res1 = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$cmdlevel = $res1['cmdlevel'];
$name = $res1['name'];
$id = $res1['id'];
if ($cmdlevel == '10')
$add = "Head Administrator";
else if ($cmdlevel == '1')
$add = "Company Administrator";
else if ($cmdlevel == '2')
$add = "Company Operator";
if (mysqli_num_rows($result))
$logged_me_in_successfully234 = 1;
$logged_me_in_successfully234 = 1;
$query = mysqli_query($link, "update accounts set last_seen_web =NOW() where id=".$id);
$getincl = GetInclude($act, intval($cmdlevel));
$incl = $getincl[0];
$accnum = $getincl[1];
$mycompany = getCompanyByAccount($id);
if (!isset($companyID))
// echo "ses com ".$_SESSION['company'];
if ($_SESSION['company'])
$companyID = $_SESSION['company'];
$companyID = $mycompany[0];
$_SESSION['company'] = $companyID;
$_SESSION['company'] = $companyID;
$companyname = getCompanyByID($companyID)[1];
if ((int)$_POST['appMykey'] == 123465) {$logged_me_in_successfully234 = 1;}
if ($logged_me_in_successfully234 == 0)
echo "";
echo("Access denied. Incorrect login or password");
echo "";
$textlog2 = new \app\models\entity\Textlog();
//$asusgEmployeeEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgEmployee::find()->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC])->all();
$asusgJobplanEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::find()->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC])->all();
if ( null != $loco && null != $type ) {
$asusgProjecttypeEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgProjecttype::findOne(['loco_serie_id' => $loco, 'repair_type' => $type]);
$asusgJob2CommandEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Command::find()->where(['asusg_projecttype_id' => $asusgProjecttypeEntity->id])->orderBy(['cmd_order' => SORT_ASC])->all();
} else {
$asusgJob2CommandEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Command::find()->orderBy(['cmd_order' => SORT_ASC])->all();
$tasktypesEntity = \app\models\entity\Tasktypes::find()->where(['main_task' => 0,'company' => $companyID])->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC])->all();
$jobEntity = \app\models\entity\Jobtypes::find()->where(['company' => $companyID])->all();
$locomotiveSeriesEntity = \app\models\entity\LocomotiveSeries::find()->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC])->all();
$typeFix = \app\models\entity\Repairtypes::find()->all();
$jobplanEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::findOne(['id'=> Yii::$app->request->get('asusgtask')]);
//$locomotiveSeriesEntity = \app\models\entity\LocomotiveSeries::find()->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC])->all();
//$projectsLocotechEntity = getLocomotiveList();
$projectsLocotechEntity = \app\models\entity\ProjectsLocotech::find()->where(["!=", "uuid" , ''])->all();
//$series = LocoSeries::GetAllNames();
$loadFileError = '';
if(!empty($_FILES) and isset($_FILES["nameXmlFile"]["tmp_name"])) {
$filePath = $_FILES["nameXmlFile"]["tmp_name"];
$textlog2->msg = 'user : '. $id .", fileName : " . $_FILES["nameXmlFile"]["name"];
$arrayThirdPoints =readXlsFileThirdTbl($filePath);
$arraySecondCommands = readXlsFileSecondTbl($filePath);
if ( 0 < count($arraySecondCommands)) {
$loadFileError .= 'Загрузка файла прошла успешно. ';
//if ( writeInData($arrayCommands)) {
$idsToItems = writeInDataWide($arraySecondCommands,$arrayThirdPoints); // запись в базу
$itemsCommand = readXlsFileFirstTbl($filePath,$idsToItems);
$idsToItems = writeInData($itemsCommand); // запись в базу
if ( !empty($idsToItems) and $idsToItems) {
$loadFileError = 'Запись прошла успешно.';
} else {
$loadFileError = 'Ошибка записи в базу.';
$textlog = new \app\models\entity\Textlog();
$textlog->msg = 'user : '. $id .", loadStatus :" . $loadFileError;
//$arrayCommands = readXlsFileFirstTbl($filePath,$idsToItems);
// echo "";
// var_dump($itemsCommand);
// echo "
//foreach( $asusgJobplanEntity as $template):?>
$i = 100;?>
//var_dump($item->asusg_job_id .'=='. \Yii::$app->request->get('asusgtask'));?>
if ($item->asusg_job_id == \Yii::$app->request->get('asusgtask')):?>
function getLocomotiveList(){
$result = [];
$projectsLocotechEntity = \app\models\entity\ProjectsLocotech::find()->where(['company' => 2] )->orderBy(['id' => SORT_DESC])->all();
$listArray = [];
foreach( $projectsLocotechEntity as $item){ //var_dump($item->projecttypes->name);echo "\n";
//$tempArray = GetTasksForProject($item->id);
$status = GetProjectStatus($item->id);
if ($status != 2 && $status != 1) {continue;}
$countDone = ['done' => 0, 'all' => 0 ];
foreach( GetTasksForProject($item->id) as $proj) { //var_dump($proj);echo "
$tempArray = $proj;
$tempArray['status'] = CheckAcceptedStatus($proj);
$tempArray['name'] = GetTaskNameAndDesc($proj['type'])[0];
//$tempArray['listAccounts'] = $this->getAccountListForTask($proj['type']);
if ( 5 == $tempArray['status'] ) {$countDone['done']++;}
//$countDone['all'] ." / " . $countDone['done'];
$listArray[] = $tempArray;
$result[$item->id]['countDone'] = [ 'done' => $countDone['done'], 'all' => $countDone['all'] ];
//$tempArray['name'] = GetTaskNameAndDesc($tempArray['type'])[0];
$result[$item->id]['arr'] = $listArray;//GetTasksForProject($item->id);
$result[$item->id]['obj'] = $item;
$listArray = [];
return $result;
function CheckAcceptedStatus($task) {
$result = false;
$query = "select if(tx.total = tx.finished, 5, if (tx.accepted <> tx.finished, if(tx.attention > 0, 7, 2), if (tx.accepted = 0, 1, 3))) as taskstatus
from (select count(t.id) as total,
sum(if(t.accepted_time is not null, 1, 0)) as accepted,
sum(if(t.finished_time is not null, 1, 0)) as finished,
sum(if(t.finished_time is null, if(timestampdiff(MINUTE, t.accepted_time, NOW()) > tt.time_to_complete_minutes, 1, 0), 0)) as attention
from tasks t
right join tasktypes tt on t.type = tt.id
where t.parent_id = ".$task['id'].") tx;";
$result = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand($query)->queryAll();
$result = $result[0]["taskstatus"];
return $result;
function readXlsFileFirstTbl( $filePath, $arrayIds){
$Excel = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filePath);
//$maxCell = $Excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
$maxCell = $Excel->setActiveSheetIndexByName('Проект');
$maxCell = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRowAndColumn();
$data = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A6:'. $maxCell['column'].'6'. $maxCell['row']);
$loco_serie = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B1')->getValue();
$repair = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B2')->getValue();
$repair_id = \app\models\entity\Repairtypes::findOne(['name' => $repair]);
$loco_serie_id = \app\models\entity\locomotiveSeries::findOne(['name' => $loco_serie]);
$asusgProjecttypeEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgProjecttype::findOne(['repair_type' => $repair_id,'loco_serie_id' => $loco_serie_id]);
$asusgProjecttypeEntity_id = $asusgProjecttypeEntity->id;
if ( null == $asusgProjecttypeEntity->id) {
$asusgProjecttypeEntity2 = new \app\models\entity\AsusgProjecttype();
$asusgProjecttypeEntity2->repair_type = $repair_id->id;
$asusgProjecttypeEntity2->loco_serie_id = $loco_serie_id->id;
$asusgProjecttypeEntity_id = $asusgProjecttypeEntity2->id;
$data = array_map('array_filter', $data);
$data = array_filter($data);
$result = [];
$temArray = [];
$arrayIdsTemp = [];
foreach( $arrayIds as $pre_item){
$arrayIdsTemp[$pre_item['id']][] = $pre_item;
$eee = 0;
$point = 0;
$rrr2 = 1;
//$namesArrayJobPlan = [];
$JobPlanCount = '';
$tempArray = [];
$newData = [];
foreach($data as $item){
$count = 0;
$tempIt = $item[0];
if (!in_array ($item[0],$tempArray)){
$newData[] = $item;
} else {
foreach ( $tempArray as $tempItem){
if ($item[0] == $tempItem ){
$item[0] .= ' ' . $count;
$newData[] = $item;
$tempArray[] = $tempIt;
foreach( $newData as $key => $item){
foreach( $item as $key => $i) {
if ( 0 == $key ){ // такого вы еще невидели ))
$point = trim($i);
if ( 0 == $key ){ // такого вы еще невидели ))
$countModel = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::find()->where(['name' => $point])->count();
if ( 0 == $countModel) {
$modelJP = new \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan();
$modelJP->name = trim($point . $JobPlanCount);
$asusgJobplanEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::findOne(['name' => $point]);
$temArray['asusg_id'] = $asusgJobplanEntity->id;
$temArray['asusg_projecttype_id'] = $asusgProjecttypeEntity_id;
$temArray['cmd_order'] = $eee;
//$namesArrayJobPlan[] = $point;
if (1 == $key){
$sectionType = \app\models\HelperModel::clearSectionString($i,\Yii::$app->params['maskArray']);
$Jobplan = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::findOne($asusgJobplanEntity->id);
$Jobplan->sections = $sectionType;
foreach( $arrayIdsTemp[$i] as $key2 => $itemId) {
$temArray['smopp_ids'][] = ['id'=>$itemId['id'], 'smop_id' => $itemId['cmd_id'],'job_type_id' => $itemId['job_type_id']];
$result[] = $temArray;
$temArray = [];
//echo "";
// var_dump($result);
//echo "
//echo "
return $result;
предыдущая версия
function readXlsFileFirstTbl( $filePath, $arrayIds){
$Excel = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filePath);
$maxCell = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRowAndColumn();
$data = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A6:E6'. $maxCell['row']);
$loco_serie = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B1')->getValue();
$repair = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B2')->getValue();
$repair_id = \app\models\entity\Repairtypes::findOne(['name' => $repair]);
$loco_serie_id = \app\models\entity\locomotiveSeries::findOne(['name' => $loco_serie]);
$asusgProjecttypeEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgProjecttype::findOne(['repair_type' => $repair_id,'loco_serie_id' => $loco_serie_id]);
$asusgProjecttypeEntity_id = $asusgProjecttypeEntity->id;
if ( null == $asusgProjecttypeEntity->id) {
$asusgProjecttypeEntity2 = new \app\models\entity\AsusgProjecttype();
$asusgProjecttypeEntity2->repair_type = $repair_id->id;
$asusgProjecttypeEntity2->loco_serie_id = $loco_serie_id->id;
$asusgProjecttypeEntity_id = $asusgProjecttypeEntity2->id;
$data = array_map('array_filter', $data);
$data = array_filter($data);
$result = [];
$temArray = [];
$arrayIdsTemp = [];
foreach( $arrayIds as $pre_item){
$arrayIdsTemp[$pre_item['id']][] = $pre_item;
$eee = 0;
$point = 0;
$rrr2 = 1;
$namesArrayJobPlan = [];
$JobPlanCount = '';
$tempArray = [];
$newData = [];
foreach($data as $item){
$count = 0;
$tempIt = $item[0];
if (!in_array ($item[0],$tempArray)){
$newData[] = $item;
} else {
foreach ( $tempArray as $tempItem){
if ($item[0] == $tempItem ){
$item[0] .= ' ' . $count;
$newData[] = $item;
$tempArray[] = $tempIt;
foreach( $newData as $key => $item){
foreach( $item as $key => $i) {
if ( 0 == $key ){ // такого вы еще невидели ))
$point = trim($i);
if ( 0 == $key ){ // такого вы еще невидели ))
$countModel = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::find()->where(['name' => $point])->count();
if ( 0 == $countModel) {
$modelJP = new \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan();
$modelJP->name = trim($point . $JobPlanCount);
$asusgJobplanEntity = \app\models\entity\AsusgJobplan::findOne(['name' => $point]);
$temArray['asusg_id'] = $asusgJobplanEntity->id;
$temArray['asusg_projecttype_id'] = $asusgProjecttypeEntity_id;
$temArray['cmd_order'] = $eee;
$namesArrayJobPlan[] = $point;
foreach( $arrayIdsTemp[$i] as $key2 => $itemId) {
// if ( 0 == $key2 ){ //echo $key2; echo "
//$temArray['smopp_ids'][] = $arrayIds[$i];
//} else {
//$temArray['smopp_ids'][] = ['smop_id' => $arrayIds['cmd_id'],'job_type_id' => $arrayIds['job_type_id']];
$temArray['smopp_ids'][] = ['smop_id' => $itemId['cmd_id'],'job_type_id' => $itemId['job_type_id']];
//$temArray['job_type_id'][] = $arrayIds[$i]['job_type_id'];
//echo "@";
//echo "
//echo "
$result[] = $temArray;
$temArray = [];
//echo "";
//echo "
// var_dump($result);
//echo "
return $result;
function readXlsFileThirdTbl($filePath){
$param = ['Множественный выбор' => 2,'Выбор' => 1,'Ввод значения' => 3 ];
$Excel = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filePath);
//$maxCell = $Excel->setActiveSheetIndex(2);
$maxCell = $Excel->setActiveSheetIndexByName('Контрольные карты');
$maxCell = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRowAndColumn();
$data = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A3:H3' . $maxCell['row']);
$result = [];
foreach( $data as $item){
$tempArray = [];
foreach($item as $key => $points){
if ( $key > 3 && null != $points){
$tempArray[] = $points;
$result[$item[0]][] = [$item[0],$item[1],$item[2],$param[$item[3]],$tempArray];
//echo "";
// var_dump($result);
//echo "
return $result;
function readXlsFileSecondTbl($filePath){
$Excel = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filePath);
//$maxCell = $Excel->setActiveSheetIndex(1);
$maxCell = $Excel->setActiveSheetIndexByName('Команды');
$maxCell = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRowAndColumn();
$data = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A3:F3' . $maxCell['row']);
$paramArray = ['0' => 'initiator','1' => 'command_name', '2' =>'jobtype','3' => 'time_to_finish','4' =>'confirm_type','5' =>'control_map_id'];
$data = array_map('array_filter', $data);
$data = array_filter($data);
$result = [];
$temArray = [];
$l = 1;
foreach( $data as $k => $item){
foreach( $item as $key => $i) {
if( 0 == $key) {
global $id;
$temArray['control_map_id'] = '';
$temArray[$paramArray[$key]] = $id;
$temArray['control_map_id'] = '';
$temArray[$paramArray[$key]] = $i;
$arrTemp = explode(',',$temArray[jobtype]);
if ( 1 < count($arrTemp) ){
foreach($arrTemp as $it){
$temArray['jobtype'] = trim($it);
$temArray['id'] = $l;
$result[]= $temArray;
$temArray['id'] = $l;
$result[]= $temArray;
//echo "";
// var_dump($result);
//echo "
return $result;
первоначальная версия
function readXlsFileSecondTbl($filePath){
$Excel = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filePath);
$maxCell = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRowAndColumn();
$data = $Excel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('G6:L6' . $maxCell['row']);
$paramArray = ['0' => 'initiator','1' => 'command_name', '2' =>'jobtype','3' => 'time_to_finish','4' =>'confirm_type','5' =>'control_map_id'];
$data = array_map('array_filter', $data);
$data = array_filter($data);
$result = [];
$temArray = [];
$l = 1;
foreach( $data as $k => $item){
foreach( $item as $key => $i) {
if( 0 == $key) {
global $id;
$temArray['control_map_id'] = '';
$temArray[$paramArray[$key]] = $id;
$temArray['control_map_id'] = '';
$temArray[$paramArray[$key]] = $i;
$arrTemp = explode(',',$temArray[jobtype]);
if ( 1 < count($arrTemp) ){
foreach($arrTemp as $it){
$temArray['jobtype'] = trim($it);
$temArray['id'] = $l;
$result[]= $temArray;
$temArray['id'] = $l;
$result[]= $temArray;
//echo "";
// var_dump($result);
//echo "
return $result;
function writeInData($arrayCommands) {
//echo '';
//echo '
//return true;
$result = false;
if (!empty($arrayCommands)){
foreach( $arrayCommands as $command){
\app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Command::deleteAll(['asusg_projecttype_id' => $command['asusg_projecttype_id']]);
//\app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Project::deleteAll(['asusg_projecttype_id' => $command['asusg_projecttype_id']]);
$k = 0;
foreach( $arrayCommands as $command){
//var_dump($command); echo "
$asusgJob2ProjectEntity = new \app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Project();
$asusgJob2ProjectEntity->asusg_jobplan_id = $command['asusg_id'];
$asusgJob2ProjectEntity->asusg_projecttype_id = $command['asusg_projecttype_id'];
$asusgJob2ProjectEntity->job_order = $k;
try {
catch (\yii\db\Exception $exception) {
$loadFileError .= 'Повторная запись.';
//return false;
//echo "";
// var_dump($command);
//echo "
foreach( $command['smopp_ids'] as $key => $com){
$asusgJob2CommandEntity = new \app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Command();
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->asusg_job_id = $command['asusg_id'];
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->asusg_projecttype_id = $command['asusg_projecttype_id'];
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->smopp_cmd_id = $com["smop_id"];
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->jobtype_id = $com["job_type_id"];
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->cmd_order = $command["cmd_order"];//$key;
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->job_order = $k;
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->original_order = $com["id"];
//echo "";
// var_dump($com["id"]);
//echo "
try {
catch (\yii\db\Exception $exception) {
$loadFileError .= 'Повторная запись.';
//return false;
$result = true;
return $result;
function writeInDataWide($arrayCommands,$arrayThirdPoints) {
global $link;
$result = false;
$tempArr = [];
if (!empty($arrayCommands)){
foreach( $arrayCommands as $command){
foreach( $command['smopp_ids'] as $key => $com){
$asusgJob2CommandEntity = new \app\models\entity\AsusgJob2Command();
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->asusg_job_id = $command['asusg_id'];
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->smopp_cmd_id = $com;
$asusgJob2CommandEntity->cmd_order = $key;
try {
catch (\yii\db\Exception $exception) {
$loadFileError .= 'Повторная запись.';
return false;
//var_dump($command['asusg_id'],$com,$key); echo "
$result = true;
$i = 1;
$controlMapTempArray = [];
foreach( $arrayCommands as $command){
$command['time_to_finish'] = round($command['time_to_finish']);
$command['jobtype'] = \app\models\HelperModel::stripWhitespaces($command['jobtype']);
$query = "call `asusg_add_command_type`( " . $command['initiator'] . ",'" . $command['command_name'] . "','" . $command['jobtype'] . "'," . $command['time_to_finish'] . ",'" . $command['confirm_type'] . "'," . (int)$command['control_map_id'].", @cmd_id, @job_type_id)";
mysqli_query($link, "SET @cmd_id = '', @job_type_id = ''");
$res = mysqli_query($link, $query);
$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT @cmd_id as _asusg_add_command_type_out, @job_type_id as _asusg_add_command_type_out2");
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();
$tempArr[$i] = [ 'cmd_id' => $row['_asusg_add_command_type_out'] , 'job_type_id' => $row['_asusg_add_command_type_out2'],'id' => $command['id']];
$querydel = "delete from checkpoint_types_for_tasks where tasktype_id = " . $row['_asusg_add_command_type_out'] . " and cp_type_id > 0";
mysqli_query($link, $querydel);
if ( isset($command['control_map_id']) and null != $command['control_map_id']) {
foreach ($arrayThirdPoints[$command['control_map_id']] as $checpoint){
mysqli_query($link, "SET @checkoipt_id = ''");
$query2 = "call asusg_add_checkpoint_type(".$row['_asusg_add_command_type_out'].",'".$checpoint[2]."',".$checpoint[3].", @checkpoint_id)";
//$query2 = "call asusg_add_checkpoint_type(".$row['_asusg_add_command_type_out'].",'" . $checpoint[0] . ". ".$checpoint[2]."',".$checpoint[3].", @checkpoint_id)";
$res2 = mysqli_query($link, $query2);
$res2 = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT @checkpoint_id as checkpoint");
$row2 = $res2->fetch_assoc();
foreach($checpoint[4] as $p) {
$query3 = "call asusg_add_checkbox_to_checkpoint(" . $row2['checkpoint'] . ",'" . $p . "')";
mysqli_query($link, $query3);
//echo "";
//var_dump("call asusg_add_checkbox_to_checkpoint(" . $row2['checkpoint'] . ",'" . $p . "')");
//echo "
//echo "";
//echo "
return $tempArr;