using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HyperCube.Models; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using Console = HyperCube.Utils.AdvConsole; namespace HyperCube { public class MySQLConnector { private MySQLConnector(){ } private readonly string Server = ""; private readonly string UserName = "promsystem"; private readonly string Password = "PrmSystem212"; #if DEBUG private readonly string DatabaseName = "documents_dev"; #else private readonly string DatabaseName = "documents"; #endif MySqlCommand SQLcom; public MySqlConnection Connection { get; set; } private static MySQLConnector _instance = null; public static MySQLConnector Instance() { if (_instance == null) _instance = new MySQLConnector(); return _instance; } public async Task<bool> IsConnect() { string connstring = $"Server={Server}; database={DatabaseName}; UID={UserName}; password={Password}; convert zero datetime=True"; if (Connection != null) await SQLSelectComplex("select COUNT(*) from accounts", false); else Console.WriteLine($"SQL IsConnect Connection null"); if (Connection == null || Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { Console.WriteLine($"SQL IsConnect making NEW Connection!"); Connection = new MySqlConnection(connstring); Connection.Open(); } await Task.WhenAll(); return true; } public async Task<long> SQLInsert(string sql) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLInsert {sql}"); long lastID = 0; bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { MySqlCommand SQLcom3 = new(sql, Connection); //SQLcom3.ExecuteNonQuery(); await SQLcom3.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); lastID = SQLcom3.LastInsertedId; SQLcom3.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine($"SQLInsert end"); } else Console.WriteLine("Not connected to DB."); await Task.WhenAll(); return lastID; } public async Task<Dictionary<string, AccountModel>> SQLSelectASPUsers() { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectASPUsers"); string sql = "select * from aspnetusers"; Dictionary<string, AccountModel> accs = new(); bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { SQLcom = new(sql, Connection); MySqlDataReader rdr = SQLcom.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { AccountModel newacc = new (); newacc.UUID = rdr.GetString(0); newacc.Name = rdr.GetString(1); newacc.Email = rdr.GetString(3); newacc.PWDHash = rdr.GetString(6); //if (!rdr.IsDBNull(15)) // newacc.eth_address = rdr.GetString(15); if (!accs.ContainsKey(newacc.UUID)) accs.Add(newacc.UUID, newacc); newacc.bsel = rdr.GetByte(17); } await Task.WhenAll(); rdr.Close(); return accs; } else Console.WriteLine("Not connected to DB."); return null; } public async Task<Dictionary<int, SmartContract>> SQLSelectContracts(int blockchainId) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectContracts"); var bc = Blockchain.Find(blockchainId); if (bc != null) { string sql = "select * from smart_contracts where blockchain_id =" + blockchainId; Dictionary<int, SmartContract> contracts = new(); bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { SQLcom = new(sql, Connection); MySqlDataReader rdr = SQLcom.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { var id = rdr.GetInt32(0); var code = rdr.GetString(1); var bytecode = rdr.GetString(2); var name = rdr.GetString(3); var gas = rdr.GetString(8); SmartContract contract; if (name == "Verify") contract = new VerifyContract(name, code, bytecode, blockchainId, gas); else contract = new SmartContract(name, code, bytecode, blockchainId, gas); contract.ID = id; if (!rdr.IsDBNull(6)) { contract.Address = rdr.GetString(6); } Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectContracts rdr Read {contract.Name}"); if (!contracts.ContainsKey(contract.ID)) contracts.Add(contract.ID, contract); if (!bc.contractNames.ContainsKey(name)) bc.contractNames.Add(name, contract); } await Task.WhenAll(); rdr.Close(); return contracts; } else Console.WriteLine("Not connected to DB."); } else Console.WriteLine($"Error: blockchain {blockchainId} not found"); return null; } public async Task<Dictionary<int, ArticleModel>> SQLSelectArticles(string sql) { //return null; Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectArticles {sql}"); Dictionary<int, ArticleModel> articleModels = new(); ArticleModel articleModel; bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { var SQLcom = new MySqlCommand(sql, Connection); var rdr = await SQLcom.ExecuteReaderAsync(); int count = 0; bool stop = false; while (rdr.Read()) ///id, filename, article_name, date_publish, action_type/status { /// tmp for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++) { if (rdr.IsDBNull(i)) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectArticles NULL detected {i}"); stop = true; break; } } if (stop) { stop = false; continue; } articleModel = new(); articleModel.ID = rdr.GetInt32(0); articleModel.Filename = rdr.GetString(1); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(2)) articleModel.Name = rdr.GetString(2); else articleModel.Name = "NULL"; articleModel.PublishDate = rdr.GetDateTime(3); articleModel.Authors = rdr.GetString(4); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(5)) articleModel.Status = (ArticleStatus)rdr.GetInt32(5); else articleModel.Status = ArticleStatus.New; if (articleModels.ContainsKey(articleModel.ID)) continue; count++; articleModels.Add(articleModel.ID, articleModel); } Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectArticles count: {count}"); rdr.Close(); return articleModels; } else Console.WriteLine("Not connected to DB."); return null; } const string typeguid = "System.Guid"; public async Task<List<Dictionary<string, object>>> SQLSelectComplex(string request, bool check = true) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex {request}"); bool connected = true; if (check) { //Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex check"); connected = await IsConnect(); } if (connected) { //Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex connected"); List<Dictionary<string, object>> retval = new(); MySqlCommand SQLcom2 = new(request, Connection); //Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex new SQLcom"); try { var Reader = await SQLcom2.ExecuteReaderAsync(); //Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex ExecuteReader"); while (Reader.Read()) { //Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex Reader.Read"); Dictionary<string, object> data = new(); for (int i = 0; i < Reader.FieldCount; i++) { if (!Reader.IsDBNull(i)) { data.Add(Reader.GetName(i), Reader.GetValue(i)); } else { //Console.WriteLine(Reader.GetName(i)+": GetDataTypeName " + Reader.GetDataTypeName(i) + " GetFieldType " + Reader.GetFieldType(i).ToString()); if (Reader.GetFieldType(i).ToString() == typeguid) { data.Add(Reader.GetName(i), "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); } else if (Reader.GetName(i) == "mac_address") { data.Add(Reader.GetName(i), "00-00-00-00-00-00"); } else { data.Add(Reader.GetName(i), null); } } } retval.Add(data); } //Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectComplex Reader.Close"); Reader.Close(); await Task.WhenAll(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("SQL Exception 5.1 " + e.Message + " query " + request + "stack trace" + e.StackTrace); } return retval; } return null; } public async Task<ArticleModel> SQLSelectArticle(int docid) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectArticle, docid: [{docid}]"); ArticleModel article = new(); string stringSQL = $"SELECT, filename, article_name, authors, date_publish, annotation, keywords, action_type, rating, file_hash, " + $"doc_noungroups, doc_entities, doc_morph, doc_keywords1, doc_keywords2, char_count " + $"FROM articles " + $"JOIN actions_history ON actions_history.article_id = " + $"WHERE{docid} " + $"ORDER BY DESC LiMIT 1"; Console.WriteLine($"{stringSQL}"); bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { SQLcom = new(stringSQL, Connection); MySqlDataReader rdr = SQLcom.ExecuteReader(); ///0=id, filename, article_name, authors, date_publish, annotation, keywords, action_type/status, rating, file_hash, ///10=doc_noungroups, doc_entities, doc_morph, doc_keywords1, doc_keywords2, char_count while (rdr.Read()) { article.ID = rdr.GetInt32(0); article.Filename = rdr.GetString(1); article.Name = rdr.GetString(2); article.Authors = rdr.GetString(3); article.PublishDate = rdr.GetDateTime(4); article.Annotation = rdr.GetString(5); article.Keywords = rdr.GetString(6); article.Status = (ArticleStatus)rdr.GetInt16(7); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(8)) article.Rating = rdr.GetInt16(8); article.HashSum = rdr.GetString(9); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(10)) article.NounGroups = rdr.GetString(10); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(11)) article.Entities = rdr.GetString(11); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(12)) article.Morph = rdr.GetString(12); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(13)) article.Keywords1 = rdr.GetString(13); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(14)) article.Keywords2 = rdr.GetString(14); if (!rdr.IsDBNull(15)) article.CharCount = rdr.GetInt32(15); Console.WriteLine($"Got article, ID: {article.ID}."); } rdr.Close(); await Task.WhenAll(); return article; } else Console.WriteLine("Not connected to DB."); return null; } public async Task<string> SQLSelectUUID(string sql) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectUUID {sql}"); bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { SQLcom = new(sql, Connection); object obj = await SQLcom.ExecuteScalarAsync(); return obj.ToString(); } else return ""; } public async Task<int> SQLSelectCount(string sql) { Console.WriteLine($"SQLSelectCount"); bool connected = await IsConnect(); if (connected) { SQLcom = new(sql, Connection); object obj = await SQLcom.ExecuteScalarAsync(); int count = int.Parse(obj.ToString()); return count; } else return 0; } public void Close() { Connection.Close(); } } }