using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Console = HyperCube.Utils.AdvConsole; namespace HyperCube.Models { public class Survey { public int ID { get; set; } public int EvenID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } public DateTime DateUpdated { get; set; } public string CreatorID { get; set; } public Dictionary SurveyItems { get; set; } = new(); public bool IsNew { get; set; } = true; public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false; public async Task Save(string userID) { long newID; string stringSQL; if (IsNew) { stringSQL = $"INSERT INTO surveys (eventid, name, description, creatorid) " + $"VALUES ({EvenID}, '{Name}', '{Description}', '{userID}')"; } else { stringSQL = $"UPDATE surveys " + $"SET eventid={EvenID}, name='{Name}', description='{Description}', deleted={Convert.ToInt32(IsDeleted)}, date_updated='{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' " + $"WHERE id={ID}"; } newID = await MySQLConnector.Instance().SQLInsert(stringSQL); IsNew = false; /// saving survey items int newItemID; Dictionary tmpSurveyItems = new(); foreach (var item in SurveyItems) { if (newID != 0) item.Value.SurveyID = (int)newID; newItemID = await item.Value.Save(userID); if (newItemID != 0 && item.Key != newItemID) { Console.WriteLine($"Adding and updating item id:{item.Key} with new id:{newItemID}"); tmpSurveyItems.Add(newItemID, item.Value); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Adding existed item id:{item.Key}"); tmpSurveyItems.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } /// saving survey item options int newOptionID; Dictionary tmpSurveyItemOption = new(); foreach (var option in item.Value.SurveyItemOptions) { if (newItemID != 0) option.Value.ItemID = newItemID; newOptionID = await option.Value.Save(userID); if (newOptionID != 0 && option.Key != newOptionID) { Console.WriteLine($"Adding and updating option id:{option.Key} with new id:{newOptionID}"); tmpSurveyItemOption.Add(newOptionID, option.Value); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Adding existed option id:{option.Key}"); tmpSurveyItemOption.Add(option.Key, option.Value); } } /// updating options collection with actual IDs from DB if (tmpSurveyItemOption.Count > 0) { item.Value.SurveyItemOptions.Clear(); item.Value.SurveyItemOptions = tmpSurveyItemOption.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => (SurveyItemOption)entry.Value.Clone()); } } /// updating items collection with actual IDs from DB if (tmpSurveyItems.Count > 0) { SurveyItems.Clear(); SurveyItems = tmpSurveyItems.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => (SurveyItem)entry.Value.Clone()); } return ID = (int)newID; } public void AddNewItem(string userID) { int surveyID = ID; Console.WriteLine($"Survey AddNewItem. survey id={surveyID}."); int newTempKey = (SurveyItems.Count > 0) ? SurveyItems.Keys.Max() + 1 : 1; int position = (SurveyItems.Count > 0) ? SurveyItems.Select(o => o.Value.Position).Max() + 1 : 1; Console.WriteLine($"Survey AddNewItem. item newTempKey={newTempKey}."); SurveyItem item = new() { ID = newTempKey, SurveyID = surveyID, Position = position, CreatorID = userID, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; SurveyItems.Add(newTempKey, item); } public void DeleteItem(int itemID) { if (SurveyItems.Count > 0 && SurveyItems.ContainsKey(itemID)) { Console.WriteLine($"Survey [{ID}] DeleteItem id:{SurveyItems[itemID].ID} - isnew:{SurveyItems[itemID].IsNew}"); if (SurveyItems[itemID].IsNew) SurveyItems.Remove(itemID); else SurveyItems[itemID].IsDeleted = true; } } public void MoveItem(int itemID, int step) { if (SurveyItems.Count > 0 && SurveyItems.ContainsKey(itemID)) { Console.WriteLine($"Survey:[{ID}] MoveItem id: [{SurveyItems[itemID].ID}]"); int min = SurveyItems.Select(o => o.Value.Position).Min(); int max = SurveyItems.Select(o => o.Value.Position).Max(); Console.WriteLine($"min:{min}, max:{max}."); int oldPosition, newPosition; oldPosition = SurveyItems[itemID].Position; int targetPosition = (oldPosition + step < min) ? min : oldPosition + step; targetPosition = (oldPosition + step > max) ? max : oldPosition + step; Console.WriteLine($"oldPosition:{oldPosition}, step:{step}, target:{targetPosition}."); int targetKey = SurveyItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Position == targetPosition).Key; if (targetKey != 0) { newPosition = SurveyItems[targetKey].Position; Console.WriteLine($"newPosition:{newPosition}."); SurveyItems[itemID].Position = newPosition; SurveyItems[targetKey].Position = oldPosition; } } } } public class SurveyItem : ICloneable { public int ID { get; set; } public int SurveyID { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public int Position { get; set; } public string CreatorID { get; set; } public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } public DateTime DateUpdated { get; set; } public bool Required { get; set; } = true; public Dictionary SurveyItemOptions { get; set; } = new(); public List> SurveyItemOptionsSorted { get; set; } = new(); /// wrap for sorting public int AnswerID { get; set; } /// SurveyItemOption selected ID public bool IsNew { get; set; } = true; public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false; public async Task Save(string userID) { long newID; string stringSQL; if (IsNew) { stringSQL = $"INSERT INTO surveyitems (surveyid, itemtext, position, required, creatorid) " + $"VALUES ({SurveyID}, '{Text}', {Position}, {Convert.ToInt32(Required)}, '{userID}')"; } else { stringSQL = $"UPDATE surveyitems " + $"SET surveyid={SurveyID}, itemtext='{Text}', position={Position}, required={Convert.ToInt32(Required)}, deleted={Convert.ToInt32(IsDeleted)} " + $"WHERE id={ID}"; } newID = await MySQLConnector.Instance().SQLInsert(stringSQL); IsNew = false; return ID = (int)newID; } public void AddNewOption(string userID) { int itemID = ID; Console.WriteLine($"SurveyItem AddNewOption. item id={itemID}."); int newTempKey = (SurveyItemOptions.Count > 0) ? SurveyItemOptions.Keys.Max() + 1 : 1; int position = (SurveyItemOptions.Count > 0) ? SurveyItemOptions.Select(o => o.Value.Position).Max() + 1 : 1; Console.WriteLine($"SurveyItem AddNewOption. option newTempKey={newTempKey}."); SurveyItemOption option = new() { ID = newTempKey, ItemID = itemID, Position = position, CreatorID = userID, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; SurveyItemOptions.Add(newTempKey, option); } public void DeleteOption(int optionID) { if (SurveyItemOptions.Count > 0 && SurveyItemOptions.ContainsKey(optionID)) { Console.WriteLine($"Survey [{SurveyID}] Item [{ID}] DeleteItem id:{SurveyItemOptions[optionID].ID} - isnew:{SurveyItemOptions[optionID].IsNew}"); if (SurveyItemOptions[optionID].IsNew) SurveyItemOptions.Remove(optionID); else SurveyItemOptions[optionID].IsDeleted = true; } } public void MoveItem(int optionID, int step) { if (SurveyItemOptions.Count > 0 && SurveyItemOptions.ContainsKey(optionID)) { Console.WriteLine($"Survey [{SurveyID}] Item [{ID}] MoveOption id:{SurveyItemOptions[optionID].ID}"); int min = SurveyItemOptions.Select(o => o.Value.Position).Min(); int max = SurveyItemOptions.Select(o => o.Value.Position).Max(); Console.WriteLine($"min:{min}, max:{max}."); int oldPosition, newPosition; oldPosition = SurveyItemOptions[optionID].Position; int targetPosition = (oldPosition + step < min) ? min : oldPosition + step; targetPosition = (oldPosition + step > max) ? max : oldPosition + step; Console.WriteLine($"oldPosition:{oldPosition}, step:{step}, target:{targetPosition}."); int targetKey = SurveyItemOptions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Position == targetPosition).Key; if (targetKey != 0) { newPosition = SurveyItemOptions[targetKey].Position; Console.WriteLine($"newPosition:{newPosition}."); SurveyItemOptions[optionID].Position = newPosition; SurveyItemOptions[targetKey].Position = oldPosition; } } } public object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); } } public class SurveyItemOption : ICloneable { public int ID { get; set; } public int ItemID { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public int Rate1 { get; set; } public int Rate2 { get; set; } public int Rate3 { get; set; } public int Rate4 { get; set; } public int Position { get; set; } public string CreatorID { get; set; } public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } public DateTime DateUpdated { get; set; } public bool IsNew { get; set; } = true; public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false; public async Task Save(string userID) { long newID; string stringSQL; if (IsNew) { stringSQL = $"INSERT INTO surveyitemoptions (itemid, optiontext, position, rate1, rate2, rate3, rate4, creatorid) " + $"VALUES ({ItemID}, '{Text}', {Position}, {Rate1}, {Rate2}, {Rate3}, {Rate4}, '{userID}')"; } else { stringSQL = $"UPDATE surveyitemoptions " + $"SET itemid={ItemID}, optiontext='{Text}', position={Position}, rate1={Rate1}, rate2={Rate2}, rate3={Rate3}, rate4={Rate4}, deleted={Convert.ToInt32(IsDeleted)} " + $"WHERE id={ID}"; } newID = await MySQLConnector.Instance().SQLInsert(stringSQL); IsNew = false; return ID = (int)newID; } public object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); } } }