@@ -142,6 +142,13 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
return res;
return res;
+ public static string hex2bin(string hexstring)
+ {
+ string binarystring = String.Join(String.Empty, hexstring.Select( c => Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16), 2).PadLeft(4, '0') ));
+ Console.WriteLine("bin " + binarystring);
+ return binarystring;
+ }
public static string bin2hex(string code)
public static string bin2hex(string code)
//code = "0x".bin2hex('getCount()');
//code = "0x".bin2hex('getCount()');
@@ -162,12 +169,15 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
public static Blockchain GetMain()
public static Blockchain GetMain()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("GetMain blockchain_selected " + AccountModel.GetCurrent().blockchain_selected);
+ {
if (loaded.Count > AccountModel.GetCurrent().blockchain_selected)
if (loaded.Count > AccountModel.GetCurrent().blockchain_selected)
- return loaded[AccountModel.GetCurrent().blockchain_selected];
+ {
+ var bc = loaded[AccountModel.GetCurrent().blockchain_selected];
+ Console.WriteLine($"GetMain blockchain_selected {AccountModel.GetCurrent().blockchain_selected} " + bc.address);
+ return bc;
+ }
Console.WriteLine($"Error: blockchains loaded {loaded.Count}");
Console.WriteLine($"Error: blockchains loaded {loaded.Count}");
@@ -224,12 +234,12 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
- public static async Task<string> GetSHA3(string code)
+ public async Task<string> GetSHA3(string code)
var hex = bin2hex(code);
var hex = bin2hex(code);
var req = $"{{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"web3_sha3\",\"params\":[\"{hex}\"], \"id\":1}}";
var req = $"{{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"web3_sha3\",\"params\":[\"{hex}\"], \"id\":1}}";
- var answer = await Post.PostRequestAsync(Blockchain.Dev, req);
+ var answer = await Post.PostRequestAsync(this, req);
dynamic jsonDe = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(answer);
dynamic jsonDe = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(answer);
Console.WriteLine("result " + jsonDe.result);
Console.WriteLine("result " + jsonDe.result);
@@ -248,6 +258,7 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
var ret = await RunFunction("eth_getBalance", $"\"{address}\",\"latest\"");
var ret = await RunFunction("eth_getBalance", $"\"{address}\",\"latest\"");
return ret;
return ret;
+ //eth.getBalance('0xb504ba124b74333D8536DB534F7fcdC174d6Ee3d')
public async Task<string> GetBalance()
public async Task<string> GetBalance()
@@ -270,16 +281,20 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
public async Task<string> RunFunction2(string name, TransactionObject to)
public async Task<string> RunFunction2(string name, TransactionObject to)
- {
+ {
+ //транзакция добавления контракта 0x00bdbf1571aa69a2cf8c8c7913a01eaca3a4b7e5e7e49fc787cb81c0df2c2682
Dictionary<string, string> paramDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, string> paramDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string parms = "{";
string parms = "{";
- if (to.from != "")
+ if (to.from != null)
paramDict["from"] = to.from;
paramDict["from"] = to.from;
//parms += "\"from\":" + to.from;
//parms += "\"from\":" + to.from;
- if (to.to != "")
+ if (to.to != null)
paramDict["to"] = to.to;
paramDict["to"] = to.to;
//parms += "\"to\":"+to.to;
//parms += "\"to\":"+to.to;
+ if (to.data != null)
+ {
+ paramDict["data"] = "0x"+to.data;
+ }
int count = 0;
int count = 0;
foreach (var p in paramDict)
foreach (var p in paramDict)
@@ -290,7 +305,9 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
parms += ",";
parms += ",";
- Console.WriteLine($"RunFunction {name} params {parms}");
+ parms += "}";
+ parms += ", \"latest\"";
+ Console.WriteLine($"RunFunction {name} params {parms} active bc: {this.address}");
var req = $"{{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"{name}\",\"params\":[{parms}], \"id\":1}}";
var req = $"{{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"{name}\",\"params\":[{parms}], \"id\":1}}";
var answer = await Post.PostRequestAsync(this, req);
var answer = await Post.PostRequestAsync(this, req);
@@ -303,7 +320,7 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
async Task<string> mySHA3(string code)
async Task<string> mySHA3(string code)
- var res = await Blockchain.GetSHA3(code);
+ var res = await GetSHA3(code);
Console.WriteLine($"GetSHA3 {code} {res}");
Console.WriteLine($"GetSHA3 {code} {res}");
var ret = res.Substring(2, 8);
var ret = res.Substring(2, 8);
return ret;
return ret;
@@ -334,24 +351,62 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
string function_processed = final + ")";
string function_processed = final + ")";
+ Console.WriteLine($"function_processed {function_processed}");
string sha3 = await mySHA3(function_processed);
string sha3 = await mySHA3(function_processed);
return sha3;
return sha3;
- public async Task<string> ImportERC20(string contractAddress)
+ public static string HextoString(string InputText)
+ byte[] bb = Enumerable.Range(0, InputText.Length)
+ .Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
+ .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(InputText.Substring(x, 2), 16))
+ .ToArray();
+ //return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bb);
+ // or System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString
+ return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bb);
+ // or System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString
+ // or etc.
+ }
+ public string ParseStringAnswer(string answer)
+ {
+ answer = answer.Substring(2, answer.Length - 2);
+ int words = answer.Length / 64;
+ for (int i = 0; i < words; i++)
+ {
+ var word = answer.Substring(i * 64, 64);
+ Console.WriteLine($"word {i} {word}");
+ Console.WriteLine($"str {i} {HextoString(word)}");
+ }
+ return answer;
+ }
+ public async Task ImportERC20(string contractAddress)
+ {
+ //var gbh = await GetTByHash("0x00bdbf1571aa69a2cf8c8c7913a01eaca3a4b7e5e7e49fc787cb81c0df2c2682");
+ //Console.WriteLine("GetTByHash " + gbh );
//runfunction balanceOf totalSupply symbol name
//runfunction balanceOf totalSupply symbol name
TransactionObject to = new TransactionObject();
TransactionObject to = new TransactionObject();
to.to = contractAddress;
to.to = contractAddress;
//compile data
//compile data
- to.data = await compileFunction("name()");
+ //to.data = await compileFunction("decimals");
+ to.data = await compileFunction("name");
var answer = await RunFunction2("eth_call", to);
var answer = await RunFunction2("eth_call", to);
- //var answer = await RunFunction("eth_sendTransaction", $"{{\"from\":\"{address}\",\"to\":\"{contractAddress}\",\"gas\":\"{gas}\", \"data\":\"{data}\", \"value\":\"{value}\"}}");
- Console.WriteLine("ImportERC20 "+ answer);
- return answer;
+ //Console.WriteLine("ImportERC20 len "+ answer.Length + " answer " + answer);
+ answer = ParseStringAnswer(answer);
+ //to.data = await compileFunction("balanceOf(address)");
+ to.data = await compileFunction("symbol");
+ answer = await RunFunction2("eth_call", to);
+ answer = ParseStringAnswer(answer);
+ //Console.WriteLine("ImportERC20 len " + answer.Length + " answer " + answer);
+ to.data = await compileFunction("decimals");
+ answer = await RunFunction2("eth_call", to);
+ answer = ParseStringAnswer(answer);0
public async void RunContractRead()
public async void RunContractRead()
@@ -387,6 +442,13 @@ namespace HyperCube.Models
return answer;
return answer;
+ public async Task<string> GetTByHash(string transactionAddress)
+ {
+ string req = $"{{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"eth_getTransactionByHash\",\"params\":[\"{transactionAddress}\"],\"id\":1}}";
+ Console.WriteLine("GetTByHash " + req);
+ return await Post.PostRequestAsync(this, req);
+ }
public async Task<string> GetReceipt(string transactionAddress, bool returnAddress = false)
public async Task<string> GetReceipt(string transactionAddress, bool returnAddress = false)
Console.WriteLine("transactionAddress " + transactionAddress);
Console.WriteLine("transactionAddress " + transactionAddress);